Plants, Flowers, and Leaves

Airplants (bromeliads)
Parsley (once a month)
Californian coastal scrub grass
Oat Grass (Chasmanthium latifolium)
Sea grape (the perennial) looks spikey leaves yellow/pink blooms...the shrub is okay too, but too big for a crabitat!
spider plant (Chlorophytum spec.)

venus fly trap
Venus Flyrap - Crabdad
Rose- petals
Carnation- Petals
Marigold- petals
Chamomile (daisy)-petals
Marsh Grass -Molinia caerulea variegata (Latin name)...plant and roots
Honeysuckle - blooms and stamens - Lonicera X (different varieties ok)
Sunflower - Russian petals, seeds, and leaves
Beebalm - petals only! Monarda dydima
Phlox - woodland (four petal varieties)
Bush bean flowers
Zuchinni blooms (wait until they fruit, or take male flowers)
strawberry blooms (petals)- I also have a patch of wild strawberries, they are native woodland plants (shhh, where I got my specimin) they have tiny berries and crabs will eat those when they a ripe, but don't eat the regular ones for me...
Gooseberry, current blooms, leaves and berries
Crab apple - blooms, buds (on new growth branches), eat the bark off the twig too...
Carrot thinnings tops and bottoms
Parsnips (I give them the skins)
Crab grass (only if not treated)
Nanking Cherries (shrub)...native here, they like the fruit (but so do the birds)...
Acorn squash (inner meat)
Pumpkin (bloom and inner meat)
spagetti squash, blooms and inner meat (mine like to eat the meat right against the rinds (after they are cooked too))
Dandilions-leaves and blooms
clover- leaves and blooms
Canada thistle- leaves and blooms and roots (you can use yours)
Romaine lettuce
swiss chard ( I usually use the red varieties)
Purple cabbage
chickweed (is a weed), but minimally, it is a nitrogen collector and too much is no good...I give it once in spring and maybe once more before snow...
beet - tops, tried the veggie but they didn't eat it...
peas- mine never have eaten the peas, pods or leaves, but they have eaten the flowers...
cauliflower- leaves
avocado - only really ripe meat green, not yellow and meat that is not near the skin...not seed or skin or plant...very poisonous!


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