General Rules and Guidelines for posting and chat room use:

Please use our FAQ, Archive and Search function to find the answer to your question before posting. We have a large amount of information available, making redundant posts makes it harder to find. Even in an emergency situation this can be helpful as the site is not monitored 24/7.

If you have a technical question about the use of the site, PM Christa or send an email to techsupport[at]

No swearing is allowed. Testing the filters is the same as swearing.

Avatars should be kept to a reasonable size and of appropriate content. Inappropriate or oversized avatars will be removed. If your avatar contains offensive material, you will receive a warning.

Signatures should be text only, no images. Links to other sites will be allowed in the case of personal sites intended to offer information. Links to sites with forums, or otherwise requiring membership will not be allowed. No member recruiting for your site, publically or privately. The HCA is a crab care resource, not a supply of members to be farmed.

Do not post topics intend to incite or anger people. This board is not a debate forum. Controversial topics should not be posted, this will be considered trolling.

No spamming.

No trolling.

No flaming.

Do not hotlink to images posted on this site. Do not download images from this site without permission.

Do not steal content or other information and repost it elsewhere claiming it as your own.

Adult discussions do not belong on this forum.

Do not impersonate another member.

Do not post personal information of other members.

This is all basic commonsense. Christa once said "Don't post anything to someone you wouldn't say within slapping distance of them." That pretty much covers it all. There is no excuse for acting like a jerk and the HCA will not tolerate it.

Reporting Inappropriate Posts

We have added a report post feature to the forums. You will notice a new icon on each post made in the forum.

Click the exclamation mark to report inappropriate posts to the forum admins and moderators.

I think Christa's message here is pretty clear, if someone post something that is rude, insensitive, sexist, bigoted, contains adult content or politics/religion, or is hurtful in any way click the exclamation mark to report it to one of the admins or moderators; do not engage the poster, let us handle the issue.

Be careful when reporting a post, before you click the report button review the post a second time to ensure that the post is really inappropriate. With a membership of almost 2,000 members there are many different communication styles and sometimes members may interpret a post as rude when in reality it's not. Abusing this reporting feature because you don't like another member is not appropriate.

A post can only be reported once, a reported post will appear with a red exclamation mark.

Example of how violations will be dealt with:

Generic (for both chat and forums)

Being rude to other members = 2 warnings, 2 week suspension, then ban (depending upon the degree of rudeness, this can be accelerated)

Cussing, whether the censor catches it or not = 3 warnings, 2 week suspension, then ban

Flaming other members in any way = 1 warning then ban

Publicly mocking Board members - same as flaming (1 warning then ban).

Willfully impersonating another member and lying about it when confronted with the truth = immediate ban from chat and forum

Posting or threatening to post links and/or files which contain computer viruses = immediate ban

Threatening to cause physical harm to other members = immediate ban

Chat Room

Please note that Board members can view chat transcripts, including transcripts of private chats that take place in the HCA's chat room. We do not have a policy of reviewing these transcripts regularly, only if there are reports of trouble.

Having "hot chats" in the HCA's chat room = 1 warning and then public outing

Willfully impersonating another member in chat = 2 warnings and then ban from chat

Repeatedly interrupting a Directors meeting in progress after being warned = immediate boot out of chat room and 2 week suspension from chat


Putting pictures in signatures = deletion of signature and PMed reminder.

Disregarding size limits from Directors regarding avatar size = deletion of avatar. Re-instatement of appropriately-sized avatar with no repercussions, if size limits complied with.

Impersonating another member on the forums = 1 warning and then ban

Sending mass PMs to the HCA (spamming) = immediate removal of PM privileges. Also applies during Elections. Ban if the same person does it again.

Constantly disregarding posting instructions in the Adoption, Pet Store, and Crab Care forums = 2 warnings, then 2 week suspension

Bringing up inflammatory topics (politics & religion) = lock and deletion of post, and warning. 2 warnings, then 2 week suspension, then ban.

Re-bringing up topics that have been locked by a Board member = 2 warnings, then 2 week suspension, then ban.


These can be added to or, in the event of extraordinary circumstances, accelerated.

:::Contact techsupport [at]