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Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:19 pm
by TomatoaSebastien
Hello All,

Questions for the crabby experts. Is there any reason that a bow front aquarium would not be a good choice. I have the opportunity to get a 65 gallon bow front with stand for 100.00.

There is a gorgeous E at my local Petco that is just shy of baseball size and it's killing me to see him there...The temp and humidity are all wrong and there is like maybe an inch off EE.. He has been there for 2 weeks now and he has been weighing on me hard...

At this time my 29 gallon would not be a good fit for him, but I am thinking this 65 might be unless there are any reasons otherwise..

Thanks all!

Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:38 pm
by GotButterflies
Bow front tanks are awesome! I used to have one. They have a lot of room for the crabbies :)

If you have never had an E before, I recommend the following:
10 gallons per E, 10-12" of substrate, two protein choices daily, and calcium at all times. by following these guidelines, I have never had an issue :)

Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:29 am
by ciaraalston
i have been DYING for a bow front tank for my crabbies. Ugh, it would be a DREAM! But unfortunately, they're so hard to find around here second hand. And brand new, those suckers are pricey! Please post pics of yours when you set it up!

Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:09 am
by TomatoaSebastien
So I got my new 46 gallon Bow front up and running and I moved 1 E and 2 PP's in. I have 2 PP's down in my 29 gallon so I have to keep that going until they come up....But they seem to love thier new set up!

Baz loves his big salt water pool and hung out by it for a while..Bernie loves the coconut hide and made his way up there pretty quickly..Cakes hid until night time but came out and also enjoyed the salt water pool..glowing white lizard shell.side note...he is hanging on to that aweful painted shell, but he showed alot of interest in the new shell shop so fingures crossed...

The last photo is before I had finished set up...I picked up the tank stand and light bar for $150.00 found on craigslist it is almost perfect condition, the glass has a few scratches but I am not complaining...

My husband made me a great wire mesh top and used a plastic liner to insulate for humidity and heat, he then wrapped the whole frame in black duct would never know it wasnt an expensive tank cover it blends right in! ImageImageImageImageImage

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Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:03 am
by Hermiesguardian
Looks awesome! I just purchased that same coconut hide with ladder. I'll be hanging it tonight!

Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:43 pm
by kaykmerr
I love your salt water pool! where did you find the bowl?! I love that it has a hole in the side (thinking I could stick bubbler in that way so they don’t knock it out of place when they get in and out)

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Re: Tank Size and Shape

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:18 pm
by TomatoaSebastien
Its from Michaels..Thats exacty what I did! The tubing and air stone fit right in the hole! Works does create alot of humidity...I have to keep a spot on my mesh lid exposed to let some escape..I was running 99% humidity, untill I opened up the top a bit still running around 86%...

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