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fiddler crab bubbling?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:54 pm
by Guest
Now that can't be good.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:09 pm
by Guest
Bla :( He didn't make it. The little one the others were eating is still moving around a bit. We have heat now so who knows. I am not having much luck with these guys.

I also had to throw out most of what was in my fridge because of no power. We did not open the freezer and the food in there was thawing out. My insurance will pay after a $250 deductable. Who has more then that in their fridge? LOL


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:26 pm
by NaRnAR
Hmmm sounds like you got a bad group from the petstore. Im sorry you arent having luck with these guys...I somehow think it has either something to do with the water (you have brakish water and its filtered right?) or it is something with the petstore.

Ive seen my Bob bubble before...he was basking on his log and bubbling away...the bubbles were clear and he stopped after i interrupted his little jacuzi action there. *shrugs*

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:26 pm
by Guest
I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact that when we came home with these new crabs Sunday we had no power. Monday morning it was 59 degrees. We managed to get the heat up to 66 with kerosene heaters down in the basement. I don't recommend that and we won't use them again. The smell is just awful. We had them running with the basement windows open.

I got the form when our power went out last year. You have to write what the item cost new, how much you have used etc. This was just the kitchen fridge. We have a upright freezer in the basement we have not had not filled. I would hope if that goes out things would stay frozen.