These tiny little creatures looks just like mysis shrimps or something like that. Is it really possible that it could be hermit crab babies??

As far as I've read there are some that has had hermit crab babies hatch, but they haven't been able to make them survive. :/ And I don't know what else they can be.Fiery Vyxen wrote:That would be epic if they were crabby babies! That's a major science break through! Me, I'm not sure what those are. Kinda hard to see in the picture.
I thought so too! First I thought it was some sort of bugs, since I have harmless bugs now and then, and there are a SWARM of thousands of these little animals in the salt water bowl. I took a little plastic jar and filled it with water so I could look at them - and they look just like tiny little shrimps!tnt4eva wrote:Oh my god...they certainly look like photos of larval hermit crabs I've seen before!!
Well, okay, I know it is possible to raise some of the babies up to adulthood, but it is very hard, and definately impossible if you don't have a cykled saltwater aquarium, which I sadly don't have. :S The only saltwater I have is the one I mix up to the hermit crabs everytime I change their water - and I don't think that would be good enough for the babies. :/ Now I've changed the hermit crabs water again, and put the tiny babies and their water in another container.jakeman wrote:You can make them survive. It is possible. All you have to is have patience. And many tanks for the process. Talk t sue about this one she can probally help you on this one. I think those are crabbie babies. Cngrads best of luck to you.
Where can I get that kind of food, "Phytoplankton"?wodesorel wrote:You should at least give them a chance! Most of the lab studies never bothered following through with raising them, so there's still a shot. They'll need aerated marine water and a very fine food to eat. (Phytoplankton would probably be correct, but I'm sure you could at least attempt it with commercial fry feed.)
That is so very cool.
No, they certainly didn't, because now most of them have died.wolfnipplechips wrote:Aw that's so cool!Unfortunately, I don't think they have much of a chance.
Here is a link to more info about the life cycle of a baby crabby: https://www.hermitcrabpatch.com/Hermit- ... -a/152.htm
Awesome pics!
No, not at all. All the hermit crabs in that crabitat is hermit crabs that have lived here for between one and almost three years, and all of them have molted a couple of times or more. And there where more than thousands of little babies in the water bowl, so it is impossible for it to be anything else.Hermitcrablover12 wrote:Did you get a new crab lately? It may have had like shrimp eggs on its shell.