Topside molt picture

Where to post and/or get advice about your molting hermit crab(s). Includes pre-molting, molting, and post-molting issues.
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Topside molt picture

Post by breezeetew » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:46 am

This is my first topside molt, and I feel terrible because I just put him in the main tank after a four month wait in iso with him buried almost the whole time. He chanced to come up for a bit and I grabbed him, figuring his iso was definately over. Too bad for me!He swapped shells for a too small pink murex and found a quiet spot near the shell basket to molt.When I saw him, I thought he was dead and was weirded out when he wiggled a bit. At that point, I realized his eyestalks were hollow and he must be molting! Back into an iso with him- poor thing...Anyway, sorry for the darkness, but if you look closely, his exo is tipped forward and you can see his new legs at the top of the shell pointing off to the left.
I have had hermit crabs for a couple of years and still have most of my originals. I joined LHC over a year ago and have learned a lot about crab care there. I have about 50 crabs (PP, Straw and E) in my 130 gallon tank that is a feature point of my living room.
Mother of 4 humans, one canine, 3 felines and many aquarium dwellers.
