Thank you for your responses, I appreciate them! Today I went to see my crabs and get some pictures of the wound. I took out my crab, snapped a few pictures, but then noticed that his scab was beginning to peel. After took a few pictures, some of the scab fell off. It began to ooze clear/grey pus. H...
Hi! I hoped I would never have to post on here, but here we are :( I'm not sure just HOW urgent this is, but if this is an emergency I need to act fast. 1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? Eco earth and sand mix, about 8 inched. 2. Do you have gauges in the tank to mea...
I'm sure this question has been answered time and time again, and I apologize. But I have to insulate my UTH (on the side of the tank, obviously) and I was wondering how to do it safely. Does the UTH have to be a specific brand? I have a large sheet of styrofoam, do I just cut it to size and duct ta...
Hi, and welcome to the forum! If Slowpoke (I love that name) was underground when you found him, he could've been in a molt. If you haven't seen him lately, then we can assume he was in a molt. But if you see him every night or so, then he maybe he did drop limbs. I do not know the exact reason why,...
I am not very experienced with situations like this, but just thought I would add my two cents. :) Like what mlakers said, make sure the shell is cleaned out. I know some crabbers may recommend boiling the shell in water. I've done that, and it releases all sorts of dirt I did not know about . :shoc...
Do you ground up bits of the cuttlebone or put a whole piece in?
I just put the whole thing in. I started by grounding it up and putting the whole thing in, and they were ignoring the ground up stuff and going straight to the whole thing.
Personally, I think it is a preference thing. I give my hermit crabs a cuttlebone in addition to calcium-rich foods, and they devour it. I would just experiment and see what your crabs like best. I hope this helps!
Habitats are so cool! My tort lives outside in the summer and in a 75 gal in the winter. His favorite hide is a shoebox. I'm going to update the 'tat this winter, going make it all fancy. Your pics inspired me!
The crabs are getting up for the night now, and he moved a little. It might be because his tank mate just climbed over him, though. At least he's not dead.
My crab has recently lost his soul-crab. I don't quite know why she died, they were recent rescues I got from bad conditions, so yeah. Well, he's in a tank with 4 other crabs, and he's the largest one by far. He hasn't moved in a few days, and he ate a big meal on the day he moved into that tank. (S...