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by fantasybookworm
Mon May 23, 2016 7:25 am
Forum: Emergency
Topic: Slow crab
Replies: 7
Views: 1034

Re: Slow crab

She looks like she has...hairy legs & sharp nails. But I guess it's possible those are left from a previous molt & she hadn't done so during this disappearance. I ended up leaving her in the main tank. Dreading going home & finding her dead...trying not to think about it since I can't do anything ri...
by fantasybookworm
Sat May 21, 2016 10:20 pm
Forum: Emergency
Topic: Slow crab
Replies: 7
Views: 1034

Re: Slow crab

Thanks guys. And DragonsFly, that is a good point, but the moss is rarely actually humid - my crabs prefer it dry, not moist. I figured up in the air is more likely to get a better reading than down on the sub, as that will be more humid anyway due to the moist sub. I guess I'm going to leave her in...
by fantasybookworm
Fri May 20, 2016 8:15 pm
Forum: Emergency
Topic: Slow crab
Replies: 7
Views: 1034

Slow crab

I'm pretty sure tank specs are where they should be, but I'll preface this with the help template anyway, just in case. 1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? sand/EE mix, 10-11" 2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they ...
by fantasybookworm
Sun May 01, 2016 10:12 am
Forum: Food
Topic: Green smoothies
Replies: 2
Views: 680

Re: Green smoothies

I do raw feeding for larger animals & on those groups, the usual recommendation is to keep sodium in meats 100mg or below. Usually if sodium is added, it ends up 200mg+. Since seaweed is going to be from the ocean, I would expect that 120mg is a pretty normal amount of sodium to find in it, especial...
by fantasybookworm
Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:08 pm
Forum: Shopping, Stores and Reviews
Topic: DeliciouslyCrabby
Replies: 18
Views: 4180

Re: DeliciouslyCrabby

Weird...yeah, that's the one. It wasn't showing up for me in the search or when I tried to click on the link from my order history. Maybe it was just Etsy glitching or something.
by fantasybookworm
Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:05 am
Forum: Shopping, Stores and Reviews
Topic: DeliciouslyCrabby
Replies: 18
Views: 4180

Re: DeliciouslyCrabby

Anyone know what's going on with this store? I ordered recently & wasn't all that pleased with my order. I was surprised after the store got such glowing reviews on here & clearly didn't have any many other bad reviews on the site. I messaged two days ago to explain what I was unhappy with & still h...
by fantasybookworm
Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:23 pm
Forum: D.I.Y Projects and Equipment
Topic: Keeping cat off crab tank
Replies: 16
Views: 2546

Re: Keeping cat off crab tank

That's a great way to organize everything! :D I have my dehydrated food in little metal tins I bought from Mountain Rose Herbs. I bought a drink/lid holder to hold them and love it. It's easy to get out containers & get to everything now. Here's what one section of it looks like: http://i605.photobu...
by fantasybookworm
Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:57 pm
Forum: Food
Topic: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2016~
Replies: 140
Views: 10032

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Sorry for the delayed replies!! Hopefully you'll both see this even though it's late! :) DarthKrab - Honestly, I just grab a little of everything. If it's something I'll eat too, I just grab a package or whatever & just chop some up for the crabs & freeze. A little goes a long way! If it's something...
by fantasybookworm
Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:43 pm
Forum: D.I.Y Projects and Equipment
Topic: Keeping cat off crab tank
Replies: 16
Views: 2546

Re: Keeping cat off crab tank

:lol: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who spends forever feeding their crabs. I feel like I take way too long putting their meals together! But eh, I enjoy it. And my process will probably be more streamlined and faster once I have more frozen foods prepped for the bigger animals (cat & hedgehog) t...
by fantasybookworm
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:05 pm
Forum: D.I.Y Projects and Equipment
Topic: Keeping cat off crab tank
Replies: 16
Views: 2546

Re: Keeping cat off crab tank

Man, sorry for late response! Had some laptop troubles, by which I mean I killed mine & had to wait several days to get a new one. :oops: I figured I wasn't the only one with this problem. :lol: I think the lid collapsing under her scared the heck out of her, and I haven't seen her try to jump back ...
by fantasybookworm
Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:00 pm
Forum: Food
Topic: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2016~
Replies: 140
Views: 10032

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing Very pleased I just put all of this in the night before last because all except one crab reappeared the past two days & they've been destroying the food dishes properly again. :D I love it! Left dish...
by fantasybookworm
Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:36 pm
Forum: D.I.Y Projects and Equipment
Topic: Keeping cat off crab tank
Replies: 16
Views: 2546

Keeping cat off crab tank

Hey all! Sorry I've been MIA...I've been dealing with some mental health issues for the past month, as well as busy with life in general. I also find it really hard to remember to get on here when the crabs are all burrowed...which they have been for two months! :( Finally most of the crew came up t...
by fantasybookworm
Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:35 pm
Forum: Emergency
Topic: Green at the Tip of my HCs Leg!?
Replies: 5
Views: 746

Re: Green at the Tip of my HCs Leg!?

In addition the above recommendation, I would really suggest getting another set of gauges or even better, a digital thermometer/hygrometer. It's really important to know what the temperature & humidity is - PPs are less picky with their requirements, but you still want the temperature to stay above...
by fantasybookworm
Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:45 pm
Forum: Our Other Pets
Topic: Ugh.... foster cat is fine, but our cat isn't. :(
Replies: 23
Views: 1520

Re: Ugh.... foster cat is fine, but our cat isn't. :(

I'm so sorry. :( She was a beautiful girl.
by fantasybookworm
Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:31 am
Forum: Emergency
Topic: Somewhat limp and naked crab
Replies: 2
Views: 384

Re: Somewhat limp and naked crab

Can you fill out the emergency template? I know you've already provided some information, but answering all of the questions will give us a better idea of your set up & how we can help. 1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? 2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure te...