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Slim Jim, one of my oldest crabs, just came out of hiding after a while. I noticed that he (I know that it's in fact a he) had a tendril coming out from his shell. I know it wasn't one of his legs, as it moved like it was pure muscle with no bones/exoskeleton, and it was white and slimy. Is this som...
- Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:08 pm
- Forum: Bugs!
- Topic: Bugs in Saltwater
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1408
Re: Bugs in Saltwater
I assume you have food mites. Bugs in the tat will periodically drown in the salt pool. This happens regularly in the tat I have wood lice in ( i.e. rolly polies that don't roll up... not actual lice). You just need to make sure you change the pools every day to avoid amonia build up as their bodie...
- Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:22 pm
- Forum: Bugs!
- Topic: Bugs in Saltwater
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1408
Bugs in Saltwater
I've gotten a few small white bugs in my tank a while ago. I did a little research, and came to the conclusion that they weren't harmful. Recently, I've seen the bugs just jump into my saltwater dish and drown themselves. My crabs aren't drinking from it anymore, and haven't come out in a while. Did...
- Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:07 am
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: Moving soon.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 231
Moving soon.
I am going to moving across the country, by car. We will be stuck in a car for at least three days, from Arizona to Ohio. I'm worried for my six crabs, three PPs, and three Ecuadorian, one of which is currently molting. Anything I should know about caring for my crabs during the long trip? Will the ...
- Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:06 pm
- Forum: Crabitat Conditions
- Topic: Raising tank temperature
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4534
Re: Raising tank temperature
What pad do you use? size of pad? temperature of room? size of tank? insulation? *need details to help* I had a small heat pad that promised that it heated the tank by heating the glass, and sticking it on the outside. I didn't use insulation, because it was on the outside of the tank, and too high...
- Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:31 pm
- Forum: Crabitat Conditions
- Topic: Raising tank temperature
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4534
Re: Raising tank temperature
Would a heating lamp work?
- Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:26 pm
- Forum: Crabitat Conditions
- Topic: Raising tank temperature
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4534
Re: Raising tank temperature
What pad do you use? size of pad? temperature of room? size of tank? insulation? *need details to help* I had a small heat pad that promised that it heated the tank by heating the glass, and sticking it on the outside. I didn't use insulation, because it was on the outside of the tank, and too high...
- Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:41 pm
- Forum: Crabitat Conditions
- Topic: Raising tank temperature
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4534
Raising tank temperature
I live in Arizona, and it can get really cold in the Winter. I'm eventually thinking of moving to Ohio, where I know it gets even colder. My tank can drop to as low as 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and I really need to warm it up. I tried a pad, but it didn't raise the temp at all after 24 hours. Any help?...
- Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:37 pm
- Forum: Our Other Pets
- Topic: I'm considering saltwater crabs.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 658
Re: I'm considering saltwater crabs.
I've had a thin stripe crab for several months, and two dwarf red legged crabs were put into the tank with him, and he ate them. Depending on the species, saltwater crabs can be aggressive and will eat other animals in the tank. The DFWMAS (DFW Marine Aquarium Society) forum has been pretty informa...
- Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:42 am
- Forum: D.I.Y Projects and Equipment
- Topic: Slinky Climbing Toy
- Replies: 2
- Views: 827
Slinky Climbing Toy
I know what people are going to say about metal in the crabitat, but I've had a lot of trouble with my crabs getting stuck in a high place (The Grate), and the slinky would be fun for them. Would a slinky be a good idea? Bouncy, ...
- Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:31 am
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: What to do with recycled tanks?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 442
Re: What to do with recycled tanks?
Totally - but you may want to expand in the future, or encounter an emergency (hopefully not!). It may be useful in the future to have the option. As far as types of marine hermits, these pages have some names and basic info:
- Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:29 am
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: Safest way to pick up crabs?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 552
Re: Safest way to pick up crabs?
If I need to take them out I like to hold them by the shell and also give them a platform to stand on such as a plate, my hand, etc. That sounds like the best way, that is, if you haven't fully gotten acquainted yet. I strive to be able to hold out my hand, and have my crab just stride over, and si...
- Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:43 am
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: What to do with recycled tanks?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 442
Re: What to do with recycled tanks?
Now that sounds fun. Purple Pinchers absolutely love climbing.Rawrgeous wrote:I also think keeping it "just in case" is a good idea. Especially if you ever decide to add crabs, or adopt an iso is especially useful. But. you could also design a tank topper.
- Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:56 pm
- Forum: Crabitat Conditions
- Topic: Good shelter for crabs.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 414
Re: Good shelter for crabs.
It's kind of hard to see, but Fruit Salad (who I've made more than enough threads about already), has made the Conch into his main hiding spot.
It's kind of hard to see, but Fruit Salad (who I've made more than enough threads about already), has made the Conch into his main hiding spot.
- Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:31 pm
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: What to do with recycled tanks?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 442
Re: What to do with recycled tanks?
I might, I've never had a need for an isolation tank. I've raised happy crabs for about a year without it.