best thermo/hygrometer

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Sun May 15, 2005 3:58 pm

I was just wondering what everyone's opinions are of the best thermo/hygrometers. I have been using analog ones by both zoomed and flukers. I just bought a digital by flukers and something is off. My analogs are reading humidity of about 85% and temp at about 76. My digital is reading temp of 74 and humidity at 60...but there is a bit of condensation on the tank walls? Something's up...If anyone has had any problems with these brands or can recommend a brand I'd appreciate it, I don't want gauges that don't work!

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best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Sun May 15, 2005 5:47 pm

I have a flukers digital. If the battery is low it won't read correct. I went through a battery every 1-2 weeks. My analog ones read to high by 5-10%. I need to get a new digital as my crabs thought the digital was a toy and tossed into their water dish and now it won't work. More than likely your analogs are off. But keep a check on the batteries of digital.

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Sun May 15, 2005 7:11 pm

my zoo med digital has consistantly read wrong. And then after three months of use, it died on me. I changed the battery, and still no good. Im not sure what kind to get now, I can only find the zoo med here.

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 12:57 am

I have tried a few different ones and my favorite by far is this one ... 77&page=1I still have mine and it is still working and it's been over a year since I got it, same batteries and all.Let us know which one you go with Sandra

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 1:15 am

I have exo terra analogs for both gauges and they work really great. I tested both of them for accuracy and they were both right on the money, I was really impressed.

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by moire_eel » Mon May 16, 2005 2:39 am

I like the TOM one like Sandra linked to. I posted recently about the other unknown-brand one I had that was giving overly high humidity reads. Now I'm sticking with the TOM exclusively. I have five of them. My original gauge has some problems with its LCD display (one of the black bars is missing, and it is faded looking). I suspect it just got misted too many times or something. Though my straws knocked one of my newer gauges into the water dish and it came out fine. I was sure it was a goner when I saw it bobbing in there!

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 2:55 am

I believe the Tom one is for high humidity Habitats and thats way it works so well.moire_eel 5 of them WOW!!Sandra

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 3:13 am

Thank you everyone for all of your input... this calls for some online shopping! *hehe* My Fluker's digital is going bonkers and I think it's just taken a beating from the straws tearing it down and rolling it around. I think I'm going to try the tom digital and get the exo terras for backup. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate your help!

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by moire_eel » Mon May 16, 2005 3:53 am

One for the main tank, and one for each iso: 2 10 gallons, 1 20L and one XL KK. I like to know my temp and humidity readings are good at all times.

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 11:38 am

For you guys that have the TOM units - where or how do you mount it in the tank?

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by Guest » Mon May 16, 2005 12:16 pm

All I did was unsnapped the stand from the back and squeezed a suction cup on the back and that's it. It stays in place until I take it off. If you want to see a pic let me know, Sandra

Topic author

best thermo/hygrometer

Post by moire_eel » Mon May 16, 2005 4:38 pm

Oh, I should try that. I usually wedge the little base behind a piece of cholla or grapevine and hope nobody feels the need to sit in exactly that spot. Which works out okay in my main tank and the two isos where I have little guys, but is not working AT ALL for the Straws. They use every inch of the tank, and that includes hanging from the top edges ...
