Terrarium moss?
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Terrarium moss?
Sorry just one more quick Q. Someone local told me to try terrarium moss, and I thought what the heck. Why not? So I bought this bag a couple quarts I think. But I wanted to see if you all thought it was safe before I put it in. It says it's made for reptiles, and helps boost humidity. Humidity isn't as issue right now since I added all new coconut substrate tonight, but I was just curious and wanting to try something new. I was thinking maybe a topper for their regular substrate.~Sharon
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Terrarium moss?
Mine love it, Christa made a post about it a while back how it was a big hit in her tank so I tried it and they eat it so fast it's amazing. I know that CudaCrabby's Hermies sleep in it, lolSandra
Topic author
Terrarium moss?
Does moss mold easily like coconut, wicker or certain woods? I know some people use these things without a problem but others have reported they mold, and I would think moss would mold easily. That's why I have cork bark, because it's mold resistant. I worry about my crabs enough, I don't really want another thing to worry about (mold). Has anyone ever had this prolbem with moss?
Topic author
Terrarium moss?
I don't put a bunch of it in my tank and by morning it's gone so no mold problems here.Sandra
Topic author
Terrarium moss?
I've used moss in my hermit crab's tanks for several months and they just adore it. I keep it up on their second level and regularly find them up there sleeping under it - they must think it's their own blanket or something. I've never had any of it mold - it's in constantly as mine don't eat it (or if they do, it isn't much at all) and it's misted regularly to keep the humidity ok up there.