Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.


Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Guest » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:22 pm

I'm wondering if eco earth absorbs the death smell because I think 3 of my crabs are either molting or dead (all hanging way out of their shells) but i smell nothing. could the eco earth be absorbingthe smell? cuz it says it's supposed to absorb odors...


Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Guest » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:59 pm

Mine doesn't. When my straw died some time in a 24hr period, I opened the lid to change food and water and could smell immediately that someone had died. With that smell I don't think anything could absorb it.Angie


Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:14 am

I had my first molt death not long ago and she was in iso with EE and no I could not smell any death smell so IMO if they are burried deep enough you won't smell it unless you move the EE. Just be very sure that your crab isn't just molting, they freeze when they molt. I saw mold on this crab so I knew she ws dead. Digging up a molter is never a good idea.Sandra


Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by kuplakrabs » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:16 pm

Funny...I was thinking somewhere along these lines tonight while checking my tanks. I always smell the tanks and haven't once smelled that disgusting smell when removing the lid at all. The only time I smelled it was when my straw died topside and was in the cone of seclusion or when I actually unearthed the dead crab in question.

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Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Jedediah » Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:39 pm

I agree. I have lost one crab due to PPS and I never smelled anything, I just found some legs and the empty shell when I rearranged the crabitat.
Ook, said the Librarian
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Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by JojoA » Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:48 pm

I have had that happen as well. It seems that the smell can't permeate the layer of substrate. However, once you expose the decaying body to air, the smell is overwhelming. If another crabs tunnels down to feed on the dead crab, you probably would never smell it, and then would only find perhaps legs and an empty shell. And when it does happen, I always wonder what killed the crab in the first place. Was it an attack? Did they die naturally during a bad molt and the other crabs ate him? The latter is my bet, they smell yummy during a molt I guess...


Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Guest » Sun May 01, 2005 7:13 pm

The EE does have it's own natural,woody odor to it,I kind of like it But with time,the death smell will overtake the smell of the EE,especially if the crab in question is buried in a spot over the UTH. Give it a few more days,if the crab has indeed already died,then time will foul the EE around him,and it should be disposed of as well. But it's worth the wait...I would only disturb the bedding if you can, without a doubt, smell the death smell.I'm not sure what's worse: the smell of a dead hermit crab, or the smell of rotten potatoes...*yuck*

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Does eco earth absorb the death smell?

Post by Rachel » Tue May 03, 2005 8:47 am

Just wanted to add my 2 cents...I did a deep clean today and I found my beloved Flats freshly molted...out of shell...dead...I use EE exclusively and I never smelt a thing. She had been gone for some time too because her abdomen had molded.
