Substrate options - what do you use?

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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Substrate options - what do you use?

Post by Guest » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:12 am

quote:Originally posted by Nicole:I use only playsand. I bought EE last year, mixed it up with playsand, and found that my molters wouldn't dig in it. Nicole is so sweet that she sent me her EE cause my Hermies and I love it. Thank you Nicole I use play sand on one side and EE on the other. Some of my Hermies will only go down in EE and others will only go down in play sand when they molt in iso's so I have both.Sandra

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Substrate options - what do you use?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:40 pm

i use a bit of a lot of thingsEE, some beach sand, coral bits, and mossthe moss is sort of like a food substitute. the crabs like to nibble on itits really good for humidity. but i like to keep EE and moss away from food, cuz my straws are rather vicious.

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Substrate options - what do you use?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:58 pm

ThinksInCode, I think the sand is easier to clean because I just scoop the poop up off it and stir it up once in a while and add some more water to it, but the gravel was too fine and fell through my strainer into the sink and down the drain. I got a finer strainer this time and I hope it will work better. When the sand has been used for 6 months or so, I just throw it out and mix up some new sand. It's only $3.00 for a 50 lb bag. I liked having the containers of gravel in there, though, so I hope it works out better this time around.

Topic author

Substrate options - what do you use?

Post by Guest » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:16 am

I had a KK for about 3 weeks till I could get a tank, and when I got my sand, I just added the cup or so of gravel that was in it, if even that.

Topic author

Substrate options - what do you use?

Post by Guest » Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:46 am

Play sand and EcoEarth for me. I play 1/2 full of EcoEarth and the other side with Playsand. One crab loves the play sand and the others love to dig and like the EcoEarth and they also like to eat it too :P Sand is easy to clean and I have had no problems with EcoEarth. I clean the tanks once a week if the crabs aren't buried and I normally just stir up the EcoEarth and keep the water dishes on that side and the food dishes on the sand side so I can shifts through the sand and get all the food out. I need to shift through the substrate to make sure no bugs or mold is there (high humidity here). The container of gravel sounds like a good idea for winter time or places where it isn't as warm as Florida though.
