How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.
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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Crabby Abby » Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:41 am

Okay, you're about to see why there's a coffee cup beside my name. Sometimes I'm down a quart. I think today I'm mistakenly switched to a higher octane! My minds in a whirl and I'm all confused.How many types of water must I keep on hand? I was using 1 - dechlorinated water (all purposes)Then I realized they should bathe in Stress coat treated water, so let's add that, shall we? 1 - dechlorinated water (drinking, misting) 2 - stress coated dechlorinated water (bathing)Then I realized I need to offer a dish of salt water: 3 - dechlorinated salt water (drinking)See where I'm going with this?? Can they drink stress coat so I can add 2 and 3 at least and eliminate a jug? At the very least I should get a dropper so I can mix smaller jugs!Thanks for the help!Crabby Abby
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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:45 am

No they cannot drink Stresscoat, so that should be seperate from drinking water. How often do you bathe them? You may not have to at all. The only time I bathe is after they molt (and are hardened) and if they have mites. Bathing can do more harm then good, as it can be stressful for the hermit crab.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:14 am

I agree with Hermitrocker. You don't need to bath unless you get a new hermie or after molt if your humidity is good. You need just dechlor and salt water. Stresscoat can be mixed when you need it.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:22 am

I keep two one-gallon jugs of water on hand. 1- Dechlorinated fresh water (no stress coat) and2- Declorinated salt water (also no stress coat).I don't bathe my crabs, they've never seemed to enjoy it and both of my water dishes are big enough and deep enough for everyone to jump in and have a pool party if they so desire. I generally keep about 3/4 of an inch or a little more water in the dishes, deep enough for a big crab to fill its shell, but not deep enough to fully cover my smallest crab. So the stress coat gets save for the fish tanks, and added directly when they get a water change.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:58 am

By the sink I keep dechlorinator, aquarium salt, and stresscoat.In plastic containers I keep dechlor and salted dechlor water. If I bathe them, just a couple drops of stresscoat in a mixing bowl. (My crabs dont seem to enjoy baths either, when I can invest in a humidity system such as the misting volcano I'll stop the baths)I was using 1 gallon plastic iced tea containers with a spigot at the bottom; it worked great until the tap started leaking. Now I just use 1/2 gallon jugs from the picnic supplies at walmart, but I did buy two more glass containers with the spigot on clearance for $2.00. The tap seems tighter so they might work. They dispense just right for filling dishes and rinsing the sponge.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by moire_eel » Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:41 pm

I keep gallons of fresh dechlorinated spring water, dechlorinated salt water and distilled water. I use the distilled water to fill my mister since it doesn't leave spots on the glass.

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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Crabby Abby » Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:41 pm

I thought regular baths were necessary for their gills so they can breathe (and that their little butts would dry out if I didn't). I've been bathing on average every 2 weeks with occasional misting. They're not thrilled with baths either but come nearly all the way out for a misting. I'll limit the baths to an as needed basis.It seems I need just a jug of fresh dechlor, and a jug of salted dechlor, and no stress coat unless a bath. Thanks for everyones advice. I've been crabbing for over a year, but only recently found my way here and I'm glad I did. I'm learning all the time.Kittish, your pool party comment made for a pretty funny visual. I laughed out loud.
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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:55 pm

In the tank I keep an extra large reptile pond separate from drinking water ($19.95 at Petsmart Or something like $12.99 at I found out later ). I finally noticed the other day my largest best crab just sitting and relaxing in the pond, water almost up to the eyeballs. Given enough water, I think the crabs will bathe themselves.I did notice some people using gladware for a "pond." Looks like a great idea and they have all sizes for all crabs; wish I'd thought of that before I bought the reptile pond.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by NewCrabber » Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:04 pm

The reason properly maintaining the right level of humidity in a crabitat is so that they can breathe and keep their gills from drying out. Their abs, too, but that is also where water dishes come in. Bathing too often disrupts the pH balance and interferes with osmoregulation of their shell water.


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:23 am

I have 1 jug of salt water, since i find that one harder to mix, and for all others, since i only have two i replace the water 1-2 a week and make new declor then...i never bath mine unless for a deep clean because when ever i pick them up, they always keep water in thier shells... love digging..

motley crew

How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by motley crew » Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:17 am

Sorry to add to this but you never mist THEM you mist the sides of the tank to wet it down, if you have a hard time with your humidity, but if all is well with that and your heat then its not something you need to do at all.Well to your question.1 gallon of fresh declor 1 gallon of salt declorThats all you really need, I have a volcaino mister and use fresh distilled as well


How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by PSUPrncess10 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:01 pm

I keep a gallon (at least) of dechlorinated freshwater on hand and use that to mix a smaller container of salt water and just add a few drops of stress coat to the dechlor. water that i pour into their bath.... no sense in keeping a large amount of stress coat water on hand...

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Crabby Abby
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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Crabby Abby » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:02 am

Motley Crew - why can't I mist my crabs? I've not done it since the posts have suggested not to, but I've been misting Sammy for over a year and he likes it. He stretches from his shell, grabs my fingers for balance and holds still. On rare occasion if he's not in the mood, he doesn't come out or quickly retreats. I feel like I'm depriving him of a simple pleasure and he's not as active the last few days.
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How many jugs of water do you keep on hand?

Post by Guest » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:08 am

If a crab does obviously enjoy being misted, then by all means continue to do so. You shouldn't mist them if they don't obviously enjoy it, however. Most crabs don't seem to enjoy it, your Sammy is unusual, Crabby Abby.
