Painting around the hermies

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Nicole » Tue May 17, 2005 3:52 pm

We just moved into a new home, and the movers made little dings here and there that took the paint off the walls in certain places. My husband wants to touch up the paint, but the crabs have already moved into their new tank and I don't want to take them out and stress them out again. Is there any safe way to touch up paint in the rooms and hallways near the crabs? Would the low-smell paint for allergic people be a better choice?
~ crabbing since 2003

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Tue May 17, 2005 5:05 pm

I'm glad you asked this. I will be moving and will need to do a lot of painting. I plan on wrapping the crabitat completely in plastic wrap and keeping it that way for a couple of days, airing the house out thoroughly before unwrapping it. Maybe someone else has more experience with this though and has some better advice.

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Wed May 18, 2005 11:14 am

The low odor paint is wonderful! I am highly allergic to scented stuff (I am getting better though) and I bought the Sherwin Williams Harmony paint. I painted the base boards in the bedroom and about 15 minutes after painting even I could not smell the paint. Hubby came home and asked if I changed my mind about painting You will notice a slight smell once you open the can, but it dissapates quickly. Keep in mind that the darker you tint the base (make it a darker color) the more VOCs (nasty chemicals) you will add to it. It runs about 5 dollars more a can, but definately worth it, for your health as well as the hermies.

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Sun May 22, 2005 1:37 pm

I heard a little tip the other day while watching the morning news. You add two teaspoons of vanilla extract to each gallon of paint to cover the paint smell. You can read more about it on OSH's page ... +Tips.htmI would still cover the tank, but it might make it a little let potent.

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Nicole » Sun May 22, 2005 3:00 pm

An update: I did go out and get the Sherwin Williams Harmony paint and all the touchup work is now completed. I covered the tank and kept a close eye on the hermies, but I have to say there was absolutely no smell from the paint. It was wonderful! And it also dried really quickly. My hermies are happy.When I bought the paint, I asked the clerk if it would be safe to use around pets, because I just wanted to hear if he had heard anything terrible about the paint (I'm neurotic). Anyhow, he of course says to me, "What kind of pets?" He kind of squinted funny at me when I answered hermit crabs. But he did say it was the safest paint around and hospitals used it with patients nearby. So I took that as a yes. Robin, thank you for the vanilla extract idea, though. That sounds like it would definitely take away the nasty smell, if I ever end using the last of the "stinky paint".
~ crabbing since 2003

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Mon May 23, 2005 10:15 am

Nicole,I am glad you also had a good experience with the Harmony paint. I plan on sticking with the paint as it only has a tiny fration of the nasty chemicals that are not good for anyone.The vanilla may cover the smell, but it does not remove the harmful chemicals.

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Mon May 23, 2005 1:56 pm

I sure wish I knew about the Harmony paint last year. I am highly allergic to paint and I painted my entire house by myself except for our bedroom and bath. I planned on doing it this year. I will go to Sherman Williams tomorrow to get some. I have my 75-80 gallon all set up and I can't move them. They are on the wall going into our room. I have plenty of windows to open, but no smell is awesome. I want to thank you all for this great news.

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Painting around the hermies

Post by Guest » Sun May 29, 2005 9:30 am

Crabcrazy - If the paint smell is still there, then here is a helpful hint. Take a disposable pie pan and put charcoal (NOT the quick light stuff!!) in it and set it in your room. I would even add some baking soda to the pan as well. Both of these will absorb the odors.
