Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

Topic author
motley crew


Post by motley crew » Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:02 pm

Does anyone have one of those and what do you think of it I seen one at petdiscounters alot cheper than at the store and i'm just wondering what other people think of it ??thanx michelle

Topic author


Post by moire_eel » Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:10 pm

I ordered the Misty Mountain Volcano mister from here: http://www.bigappleherp.com/Reptile_Sup ... html$29.99 is the best deal I know of on it. (Thanks to Bloodymary from HCRU for the tip-off!)I've had it for a few months and it worked fine. I only turned it on occasionally because my humidity stays at a reasonable range most of the time. The crabs seemed fairly indifferent to the mist itself. I did have to take the ultrasonic device off and clean off some tarnish once to make it work. I still have the body of the volcano in my tank, and the crabs love hiding in the cave at its base as well as sleeping in the space at the top. It is pretty large, so it would probably crowd a tank smaller than say a 40 breeder. I took out the ultrasonic mister after one of my XL Straws used the cord to reach the top of the tank and push back the glass lid just far enough for one of my little Ruggies to get out and fall to his death.

Topic author
motley crew


Post by motley crew » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:45 am

Well its great!! and its not that I have a problem with my humidity but I just wanted something new for them in this one tank and its hard for me to decorate (stylishly challanged) and I just got this new tank and it needed to look differnt I'm up to 3 tanks now . two of them are 30 gal and one 10 gal someday I will get a digital camera and post pic's kind of hard when I keep getting more tanks and hermies LOL

Topic author
motley crew


Post by motley crew » Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:12 am

Its sits in the corner and is 8 inches wide by 9 inches tall, in my tank its not that bad at all . The crabs like it alot they have more places to hide and something else to climb. The only thing was is that I had to cover the top with net so my mirco's did'nt fall in the water but they like to hang out up there and sit .I like it it gives my tank a differnt look
