Play Sand Opinion...

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:39 pm

Is it really true that playsand is ok for the crabs? Of course I will check it for mites or moldy smell, but I am asking in regards to the silica in it. Is it true that playsand that may contain silica is really safe afterall? I am a bit leary to use it, unless I hear from you guys that it is ok. Let me know!

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:40 pm

Never heard of that but I added playsand a week ago and my first crab Dizzy just had a topside molt (posted in the ISO board about it) so he must like it better.Another thing... it stays moist where the calci-sand makes the water sit on top. They can actually dig in it.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Jedediah » Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:41 pm

I've mot follwed that discussion, but Christa says on her site that play sand if perfectly okay for crabs:
Ook, said the Librarian
Crabbing since 2002

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:26 pm

I had playsand in my main tank for a long time until I discovered the wonderful asthetic properties of the black calci-sand. I do and will, however, keep my ISO filled with playsand. Also the Calci Sand isnt very "diggable", so I keep coconut fiber on the secnd story. If someone looks like their about to molt, I move em on into the ISO of playsandy goodness.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:11 am

I love play sand. I first used gravel and it was impossible to clean and was stinky!I have had play sand for about a year and it is cheap to purchase, easy to clean and/or change, I don't bake it and my crabs have molted multiple times in it.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:05 am

When i used calci-sand my crabs barely moved... when I added the moist playsand all six started moving and now i have three molters... me thinks they like it much better

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Ariel » Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:56 am

In past discussions about silica in playsand, the gist always seemed to be that the dust can be harmful if allowed to linger (I assume because it can clog their gills can cause respitory problems) so it's a good idea to air out the sand by slowly poring it into a bucket outdoors or shifting it around/fanning it. I have a shallow rubbermaid bin that keeps the sand fresh for ever. It can rain, snow, sleet, freeze outside or be 98º outside and the sand is perfectly dry and bug-free

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by hermit_king » Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:52 pm

I had used play sand for 2 years (I think). It has been perfectly fine. So like everyone else, I say that it is perfectly safe. It can be messy to clean, but it does not mold easily. I now use forest bedding, that stuff keeps in humidity better than sand, but molds easily. In fact mine molded a little around the food dish becaue I forgot to pick out one little piece of food, however, I scooped it out and it was fine. Play sand is cheap, works well, good for digging. I say it is a good choice for substrate. It all depends on preference, not just your preference, but also the hermit crabs. I prefer sand, but my crabs prefer forest bedding. Since I spoil them,(who here doesn't?), I kept the forest bedding for them. Though I don't have to worry about humidity now.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Nicole » Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:16 pm

I have used playsand for over 18 months with no problem. I keep the bags in our foyer to keep them warm for the hermies. They seem to have a good time with it. I tried EE, but they wouldn't dig in it. So I quickly went back to playsand. You can't go wrong buying 50 lbs. for $2.99 (our winter price).
~ crabbing since 2003

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:37 pm

I thought I was using playsand but it's actually called reptile sand, not to be confused with repti-sand. The kind I use is cleaned safely for all reptiles (According to the clerk) It's just like the white beach sand. I didn't know what playsand looked like until i saw an open bag at home depot. Anyhow mine like the reptile sand I give to them that I buy for 49cents a pound, and mine also like hermit soil. (I just bought some eco earth we'll see how that works out) But yeah I always hear about how much everybodys hermies love the playsand maybe I'll try that later this year.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Guest » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:08 am

Actually, I have purchased play sand that looks like fine lake beach sand and also play sand that is white. I guess it depends where you buy it and what they carry.

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Play Sand Opinion...

Post by Curls » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:45 am

Yes, Playsand is okay to use. When shopping at the hardware store of choice remember to pick up an empty 5 gallon painters bucket w/lid.It is the perfect size of storaging extra sand in the garage. Oh, check the paint dept for extra sea sponge too. I started with gravel in the beginning months of crab care. Then switched to Playsand then read about Cali-sand. Tried it and that was pretty in color but mess for the crabs w/digging and molting issues. So I mixed the Cali-sand with the Playsand and added the Forest Bedding product. The 3 together are a great hit with my Hermie clan. The best of all the products. Forest Bedding keepsthe tank hydrated and makes a nice snack food along with the Cali-sand for crabs added calicum diet needs and playsand for tunnelingand keeping warm.
