Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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Hermie Luver

Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Hermie Luver » Sat May 21, 2005 12:41 pm

I got my 2 new TOM gauges yesterday. I put one in the main tank, and one in the 5 g. ISO. That night I checked on the one in the main tank.Fluker gauge: 85TOM gauge: 42I gasped out loud and started spraying immediately. That sure explains the lethargy of my hermies after I moved to sand! The Fluker gauge in ISO was only off a little because it was newer.Here's my problem: One of the TOM gauges says:78%73.2 F.The other one says:80%72.7They are both placed in the main tank, side-by-side. Which one should I believe? They have been more varied before (88%, 96% an hour ago) and I don't know which one is correct or wrong. I had just got them...the batteries are pretty new! I did had to take the battery cover off because the paper that was blocking the battery ("REMOVE BEFORE USE") tore in the middle. Then the batteries fell out, and I had to insert them again. I did get one wet on the front when I was spraying, but do you think it could have messed it up? I'm evidently confused! What do you think I should do?

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Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sat May 21, 2005 1:05 pm

Totally ignore the flukers. I had a digial one that I had to replace batteries once a week than just quit on me. I set up my new big tank with only analog ones. Which showed 80% on one side and 72% on the sand side. I ordered a Tom at petdiscounters Monday night and received it today. When I put it in on sand side I left it alone for a hour and panicked it showed 66% humidity. Then I just checked and the humidity is 81%. Maybe them being new it might take awhile to read it accurately. I know now the flukers when it worked and my analogs were off.

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Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by moire_eel » Sat May 21, 2005 3:05 pm

Humidity gauges have begun to drive me crazy, too. I feel like my TOM gauges are the best ones I have, but I find it hard to trust any gauge these days. I wonder if they're too sensitive sometimes, or if when they get wet all bets are off. So I can sympathize, but I don't know what to tell you!

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Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sun May 22, 2005 1:44 am

quote:Originally posted by mizberri:quote:TOM gauges What kind are these? I was looking at the Flukers, but I am hearing that they are not-so-good. It's a brand name of a Digital Temp/Humi guage, here you go http://petdiscounters.com/customer/prod ... 77&page=1I love mine but if I have my 2.0 Reptisun light on the temp reads a little higher then normal. I have never gotten a temp reading higher then 83* and thats ok cause my tank is way cooler on the other side. I still trust it the most out of all my guages.Sandra

Topic author

Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sun May 22, 2005 3:55 am

I have 4 Flukers digital ones...and except for the 2 that have been dumped into the water...they seem to be working great. I rotate them and do side by side tests periodically- and they have always been right on. I have had them for about 8 months now and have never had to change the batteries...but maybe I should do that soon. :-)This is just my experience with Flukers

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Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Willow » Sun May 22, 2005 10:18 am

If I spray my gauge, it reads high until it dries out (which can take a while). I usually take it out of the tank to dry since the humidity in the tank prevents it from drying completely.

Topic author

Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sat May 28, 2005 12:17 pm

Just for the record, I have great luck with my Flukers. How often should batteries be changed though? Does anyone have a recomondation?

Topic author

Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sat May 28, 2005 1:54 pm

Hermie Luver, I'm not surprised to hear how off your Fluker's gauge was...mine reads 10% low. I flipped out thinking I was having humidity problems when really it was right on the money. I don't have a TOM gauge yet and am not sure just how large they are, but if it is possible I would try testing the gauge by using this method:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hermies/message/39958If you are able to do this test you might have a better idea what is going on! Good luck, I feel your pain!

Topic author

Which Gauge Should I Believe?

Post by Guest » Sat May 28, 2005 2:33 pm

I read a fantastic post somewhere about checking for accuracy with a hygrometer. The short of it is that you put your hygrometer in an airtight container with a small dish that has a soda cap (or something small) with a dash of moistened salt in it. Apparently, moistened salt holds a constant humidity of 75%, so if your gauge reads differently, it's wrong!
