Heat and Humidity for large tank

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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Heat and Humidity for large tank

Post by Guest » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:15 am

I have a 75 gallon tank. I have not needed to use heat until now. I got a 100 watt heat emitter and immediately the humidity dropped. I have the heat emitter on a thermostat to only come on if temp drops below 79 degrees. My humidity used to stay at 80-90% with one humidifer and two filters for water. I connected the second humidifer and couldn't get humidity above 75% with temp at 79 degrees. I have damp coconut fiber/beach sand 90% with 10% dry sand. I have a glass lid on one side and a screen with plexiglass covering all but the round fixture for emitter. The emitter is rated for a 40-50 gal tank only. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Heat and Humidity for large tank

Post by Guest » Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:54 am

Maybe a larger air pump on your humidifiers. Or, add bubbler stones to your water dishes.

Topic author

Heat and Humidity for large tank

Post by Guest » Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:05 am

I think the culprit was the screen I made. I changed back to the 1/4" thick plexi with a 75 watt nightglo bulb and added a homemade humdifer and the humidity went up to 85% with temp at 79. I have large pumps on both the other humidifers. It has to be the screen and heat emitter. This is terrible, I got this tank in May and it has been perfect for temp and humidity until I needed to add heat to it. I don't want to hang heat emitter in the tank because I have 3 jumbos in there and 6-9" of ee/sand. Thanks for your advice.
