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Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:36 pm
by Guest
Hello all!i was just wondering if hot glue is toxic to hermit crabs, the kind you use in a hot glue gun anyways, i want to hot glue some coral i found togeather to make a sort of "jungle Gym" for them to play and climb on. thanks again for all your help!Very Respectfully,Bryan A. Foster

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:50 pm
by Guest
From what I have learned, yes it is toxic. If you can get aquarium glue that would be the best. Someone will be along shortly with more suggestions for you.

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:14 pm
by adoll
I'm not too sure about the toxicity, but I recall someone (can't remember who it was...) had used it to glue something to the top of a decoration I think. After putting it in their tank it ended up letting go and their project fell apart I guess it doesn't hold up in the warmth and humidity our crabs need. You might want to try aquarium sealent, I haven't used it but from suggestions I've heard, well read , others give I think it would work for you and you'll want to make sure to let it dry and set for a couple days because it does have a bit of a smell but after it sets it's safe for the crabs.

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:34 pm
by Guest
I also could be wrong. I thought I read on one of the threads that it was toxic. I would spend the extra bucks just to be on the safe side. But, Rachel, if you haven't had any problems than that is a very good thing. I haven't had to do any glueing as of yet. And hope I never have to.

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:16 pm
by breezeetew
quote:Originally posted by adoll:I'm not too sure about the toxicity, but I recall someone (can't remember who it was...) had used it to glue something to the top of a decoration I think. After putting it in their tank it ended up letting go and their project fell apart I guess it doesn't hold up in the warmth and humidity our crabs need. You might want to try aquarium sealent, I haven't used it but from suggestions I've heard, well read , others give I think it would work for you and you'll want to make sure to let it dry and set for a couple days because it does have a bit of a smell but after it sets it's safe for the crabs. Don't know if it was me, but I have used both hot glue, (which peeled away with humidity) and aquarium sealant (silicone). The sealant is a much easier and better choice.

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:44 pm
by KittyCaller
I've used sealant as well. (Pure silicone is the same stuff) It took me a little bit of messing with it to get used to it, but it's definitely a good, safe choice.

Is hot glue toxic to hermies?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:01 pm
by Guest
If hot glue is exposed for long periods of time to temperatures around or above 80 degrees it will degrade and fall off. Also with age (and lets not forget that high humidity ages things quicker) hot glue's bond weakens and releases. I have 6 years of fine art schooling behind my belt..and one of the things they tell you when you get into serious found object work is to use silicone glue because that bond won't degrade over time. (btw hot glue in a normal environment that is temp controlled takes about 50 years to degrade to the falling off point...these are ideal conditions though.)Silicone glue can be pulled off of things, so my suggestion when using it is to use as little as possible, and use a razor blade or sharp scissors to trim the strings that are left over when you use it.These glues are not safe to ingest, if your crab is eating it you need to discourage or stop it. It might not have immediate results, but long term it's defiantly not fit for man or beast. these are in No way natural substances.