two adorable crabs needing a new home in Northeast Ohio

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two adorable crabs needing a new home in Northeast Ohio

Post by girlmeetspup » Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:29 am

Hello! Sadly I have to rehome my hermit crabs, as I believe it would be in their best interest. They are i believe purple pinchers and are about the size of the palm of my hand. I've had them for three months. Tug is EXTREMELY active and social and will literally climb on your hand, he is such a sweetie. Moose is very antisocial and shy but he is still very adorable. I have them in a 20 gallon long right now with a mix of playsand and coconut fiber along with cholla wood and other decor. They will come with their food from Etsy as well as treats, moss and their decor for no cost however I do wish to see pictures of the enclosure they will reside in. I'm not giving the tank because want to see them in a home with a tank larger than mine, Tug is so active and I think the 20 is just too small for him and sadly I do not have the financial means to upgrade. I'm sure everyone on this forum is already knowledgeable on hermit crab care but they will need at least 6 inches of substrate, a salt water and freshwater bowl they can submerge in and a heat source like a heat mat and a non-heat emitting daytime bulb. These two boys need a good home so if you think you're that person then please reach out to me! I'm willing to meet up to a half hour from my location

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Re: two adorable crabs needing a new home in Northeast Ohio

Post by AiFoto » Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:57 pm

If you're willing to ship (yes I realize there's very limited time for this option) LMK ASAP! We've just acquired a 50g crabitat - our two PP's are currently still in their 20g crabitat (nicely setup) burrowed for their second molt this year. When they reappear they'll soon be enjoying a lot of additional space & would welcome two new buddies. We've already bought an additional heater & three extra coconut husk fiber bricks, which have been soaked & re-rinsed several times. We'll be mixing the coconut husk with an equal amount of super nice beach sand (way better than mystery source hardware store play sand) from our nearby super clean ocean beach, to be combined with the same substrate blend already in the 20g crabitat. We'll also be adding live plants, plus a rock garden between the substrate & water area.

We're good crab caretakers. Shiping would be to zip 02738. If this sounds like a good option for you, also look into shipping your substrate, as we can use it in a backup crabitat for multi- crab molting issues.


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Re: two adorable crabs needing a new home in Northeast Ohio

Post by HUGEPurplePuppy » Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:01 pm

Hello! I’m about 30 minutes east of Columbus, but I’d be willing to drive a bit too.

I have a 90 gallon, but likely would not be putting these guys in there until the other three finish their molt. I have a 20 gallon or a 40 gallon I could possibly get set up if it doesn’t work out with anyone else.

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Re: two adorable crabs needing a new home in Northeast Ohio

Post by AiFoto » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:57 pm

Please respond to inquiries.... & also update your post once you've rehomed your crabs.


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