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3 Hermit Crabs Need a Home (Houston area)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:50 pm
by lynds
I currently have three hermit crabs (2 medium-large and 1 small). I was gifted the two med/large crabs a little over two years ago. I impulsively and irresponsibly purchased a third thinking I could properly take care of it. I have done my best to give them what they need but unfortunately, it is the bare minimum at best. I want them to have a better quality of life, but I cannot do that financially as I am a broke college student. Is anyone in the Houston area willing to take in these crabs? I hate to part with them, but it is in their best interest. I can provide pictures of the crabs if anyone is interested.

Re: 3 Hermit Crabs Need a Home (Houston area)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:39 am
by hermitcrablovers2
Hi, are they still available? And where in Houston are you located?

Re: 3 Hermit Crabs Need a Home (Houston area)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:11 pm
by jcochran
Do you still need a home for your crabs? I am in North Houston. Thanks!