I absolutely love this store and I don't think it gets enough recognition! I have ordered so much from this store, and it never disappoints! The food is not expensive, and is worth every penny! All of the food is gobbled up right away by my crabbies, and the food dishes are in shambles the next morning! DeliciouslyCrabby has the best mixes, with creative names and a good range of ingredients. Squirmy Squid Apple and Sweet and Spicy are some of my crabs favorites, and they also love the Healing Mix! They make very unique little chocolate like things that are food items like berries and such concealed in shaped beeswax. These are great because they last so long and I have many times walked up to the tank to see a little crab snacking on one of the couple I station around the tank. The other food is amazing too! With unique treats such as dusted pineapple, meatloaf and rose petals, it is easy to add variety to the crabs diet. I could go on and on. The packaging is amazing, and is neatly wrapped in colorful little bags and boxes. With my most recent order just before Valentines Day, the packaging was all Valentines themed! All the food is neatly labeled, and I have received many little free samples with my order, and it is always something new, and it helps to know what to order next! However, one of the most important things a shop can offer is customer service, and DeliciouslyCrabby is wonderful! They are very kind and will always do the best they can to help you with your order. The shipping is fast, and I have always had everything arrive in perfect condition. Another thing that's nice is there is a printed copy of your order with pictures, handwritten notes and suggestions with your order. This is my absolute favorite hermie food shop, and I highly encourage you to check it out!
(They are on esty. I'm not great with links!)