Please take a minute to check out our unique offerings. CrabsGoneWILD specializes in responsibly foraged items from pesticide-free areas around Central PA and MD. There are currently over 25 items to choose from and more to be added, so be sure to check in often!
Crabs Gone WILD has many signature items available, including:
•PA Potluck
•Seaside Smorgasbord
•Everything But the Cajun Sink
•Out of Your Gourd
•Aww Nuts, That's Bananas!
•5 Star Vacation Treats
•Saved by the Shell
•Green & White and RED All Over
...and many more!
We offer free shipping on orders over $35
The first 10 people to msg me their address will receive a free gift!
Your opinion matters. Please do not hesitate to send your feedback and special requests.
Thanks for your consideration!!

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