Review - Live Hermit

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Review - Live Hermit

Post by eregel » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:56 pm

There's been lots of discussion about the merits of ordering from - here's my experience.

First, the reason I placed the order - very simple: I can't get anything but PPs locally, and I really wanted Es and/or Strawberries. Someone had started a thread in October or November about livehermitcrabs' winter sale, and I'd wanted to order then, but just couldn't spend the money before the holidays.

So, I spent all winter envying people whose Petcos GOT Straws in... and obsessing about how I could keep Es or Straws alive for a week on the road if I find some on vacation in April...and it finally occurred to me to check the website again... and the sale was still on! 6 packs of Es were $39.99 + $8 for winter packaging + shipping; 6 packs of Straws were $69.99 + $8 + shipping.

So, I emailed on January 31 and asked what shipping to my zip code would be.

Now, here's where my only issue is - I expect (and I think most people do) fast response from online sellers - these guys didn't get back to me until February 5. By which point I'd already decided I didn't CARE, I wanted them - and more importantly, I didn't want to ruin my vacation obsessing about crabs - and placed the order.

We had some email back and forth - I'd ordered 6 tiny Es and 6 large straws; straws are backordered, the only Es available were Medium/Small. I elected to take the Es now, shipping from Long Island to upstate NY was only $28, not worth delaying the Es in hand for a possible group of straws later.

Waited another week - they try to only ship Monday and Tuesday, to eliminate the risk of a package sitting in a warehouse over the weekend, and I had work commitments and appointments Wednesday and Thursday the 11th and 12th, so couldn't be available for delivery - and finally got notice that they were going out Wednesday the 18th, for delivery today. So, order placed late on 2/3, crabs in hand on 2/19, not bad considering the logistical challenges of shipping tropical critters in NYS in February!

Woke up early, feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. Sat here and twitched for hours, finally around 10:00, I saw what I was waiting for:


Signed for the box, and was THRILLED to hear scratching in the package - I was really worried about the shipping, scared I'd've condemned the poor things.

Needn't have worried - the packing is great! Outer carton with an inner styrofoam liner


Second box inside the styrofoam - at this point I quit worrying about heat and humidity, because the inside box was warm and moist.


Inside the box was paper wrapping around a HUGE mound of damp moss, with heat packs and crabbies - except for the two who were making a break for it:



The heat packs work - after I extracted the crabs I tossed a thermometer into the moss, and it was roughly 80 degrees in there. The crabs came out of the package super lively - I havn't got good pictures from their quick bath and portait session, because they wouldn't hold still long enough for the camera to focus! Here's one picture, though, to give you an idea of size:


You can see the crabbies pics here: viewtopic.php?t=67295

So, while I'm still waiting on my Strawbabies, at present I'm extremely pleased. The sale price was great - I probably wouldn't be able to talk myself into ordering them at full price - and they arrived in wonderful condition. The only thing I'd caution you about is patience is required, because communication is slow, and apparently you can't pay attention to the website in terms of what's available, so you may end up waiting for shipping.

But I'm a very happy hermiE MommiE at the moment.


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:59 pm

Eeee! You know you're a nerd when you look at the packing material and thank God that they considered crabby conditions for shipping!

I'm excited now. I want to order crabs.

Look at the snow! o.O;


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:01 pm

Sweet I am glad they you finally got them and they are ok. Thanks for the info about Live Hermit Crabs too and how they managed to get them to you still warm and moist. That is amazing. I would have never tempted ordering them this time of year as it is cold here in MI too. It is nice to know it is possible.

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:23 pm

I can only imagine what the Fedex guy thought when you took a picture of him. :hlol:

I'm glad they came through for you. :D Sounds like a very nice experience. Those Es are worth it! :P

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Post by Xena » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:55 pm

OMG I am so excited you would think they were arriving at my house too!

well you gave me faith in ordering from them now as I had been considering it for quite some time.


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Post by eregel » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:23 pm

I don't think the FedEx guy noticed me taking the picture - it was just a quick snap out the living room window, he was busy watching the traffic.

I wouldn't try to order them this time of year if I didn't live close enough that I was confident it would only be an overnight - they're in Long Island, I'm in upstate NY, no more than 200 miles.

I've been just giddy all day. Kind've silly, I mean in the grand scheme of things having a flock of Es isn't going to revolutionize my life, but I'm still glad they're here.

Though at the moment you wouldn't know it... I think it's nap time. They're all out of sight.

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Post by aquav » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:54 pm

Isn't it funny how we can get so giddy about these guys?! About 6 weeks ago I found 5 E's at a small rinky dink pet store in MO, about two hours from here. We were in that town for another reason, but me, always prepared... I had my transport cage with EE in the car, ready to be used. So after we got done with everything else there, I made my husband drive me to three different pet stores. The last one came through. The whole way back I was more excited than a kid at Christmas, in fact, I almost cried when I saw those little guys in that tank at the store...crazy, I guess we are geeks, hermit geeks. And proud of it!!! :wink:
Congrats on your new additions!!!

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Post by deezrthedaze » Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:54 pm

I'm so glad you're experience with was so good...I was curious about them myself. I can't find Es in my area either, except for the one I found in a mom and pop shop. I have to go to the other coast for them. Congrats on your new additions!
12PPs ~ J.D., Oscar, Shelby, Pixie, Strawberry, Gilligan, Killian,Diesel, Dottie, Tink, Felicity and Kramer
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Post by eregel » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:44 pm

BTW - it's now more than 48 hours since they were shipped, and the heat pack in the box is still hot. I'm impressed!

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Post by limeslide » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:38 pm

Oh!Makes me wanna order!To bad i live like 1,000 miles from them.I think i might do it later in the summer-late spring time...I still have lots of space ever since pan left us.
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Post by eregel » Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:45 pm

The problem is, the Es that I bought for $39.99 a 6-pack in their holiday sale are $119.94 a 6-pack regularly. That's why I decided to risk having them shipped in upstate NY February conditions. (All that white stuff in the picture of the FedEx delivery is SNOW. It was almost all gone after a couple of warmer days last week, but we're back to single-digit wind chills and more snow expected over the weekend.)

I have a 6-pack of Straws on order, at $69.99 sale price - they're regularly $179.94 a six pack - there's simply no way I could justify that.

I'd LOVE ruggies, but I simply couldn't spend that much money on a crab, not knowing how touchy their lifespans can be.

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Post by limeslide » Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:55 pm

Cool 8)
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Post by NotaMallard » Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:44 pm

I'm very happy to hear about how safe the hermies are even when shipping in winter. Maybe I'll save up some money and purchase some straws from them some time... in the distant future when I have that sort of money to spare.
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:51 am

eregel wrote:The problem is, the Es that I bought for $39.99 a 6-pack in their holiday sale are $119.94 a 6-pack regularly.
You inspired me to ask the folks at Live Hermit Crabs some questions and place an order. :D

The customer service representative that I was corresponding with said that the sale would last for a couple more months still, so I held off my order of strawberries. (Plus, Petco is supposed to be ordering them in for me, $10 a crab with no shipping. CROSSING MY FINGERS.)

(Has spent the entire week preparing her Iso tank.)

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Post by spidtat » Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:28 am

Well I am glad it worked out for you, but for me I will wait until it is warmer to order anything. I do like how they packed them and that everyone is doing good but I still have my reservations about a company willing to ship delicate tropical creatures like these in the dead of winter, it just doesn't seem right to me. I am glad it worked out for you and the crabs though. :)
1 Rugs 2 Indo's, 2 Viola's, 4 Straws, 11 PP's, and 10 E's= 1 Very happy owner
