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Post by wodesorel » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:45 am

Admining again!

Discussion of a new store does not belong in the LHC topic. We are trying (possibly not very well) to keep this focused on LHC itself.

Due to the size of this topic, it takes a lot of work to manually sort through and pick out the posts that don't belong. There is no easy way for the staff to do this, and none of us have been able to set aside a block of time to get it done. We will be separating out the posts that do not belong within the next few days. These posts will not be deleted, just moved to their own discussion thread.

In the meantime, it would be better for someone to start a new topic about the new store and have everyone move the conversation there, and then we'll merge the older posts into it as soon as we can!
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Post by MuseCrazy » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:54 am

You could weigh the amount of food you feed in your regular enclosure and use that number to figure out how much food you need. I've been weighing mine recently trying to get my fruit fly problem under control and I serve approximately 3grams of food (I do 1 gram of protein 1 gram of veggie and then fruit and grain usually) to 11 crabs and there is still extra for the flies :(
If you order too much you can always sell food starter packs with your crabs ;)

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Post by kitkathermiesworld » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:56 am

wodesorel wrote:Admining again!

Discussion of a new store does not belong in the LHC topic. We are trying (possibly not very well) to keep this focused on LHC itself.

Due to the size of this topic, it takes a lot of work to manually sort through and pick out the posts that don't belong. There is no easy way for the staff to do this, and none of us have been able to set aside a block of time to get it done. We will be separating out the posts that do not belong within the next few days. These posts will not be deleted, just moved to their own discussion thread.

In the meantime, it would be better for someone to start a new topic about the new store and have everyone move the conversation there, and then we'll merge the older posts into it as soon as we can!
Sorry I will make a thread next month soon as I get their tank builted up.. :)
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Post by kitkathermiesworld » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:58 am

MuseCrazy wrote:You could weigh the amount of food you feed in your regular enclosure and use that number to figure out how much food you need. I've been weighing mine recently trying to get my fruit fly problem under control and I serve approximately 3grams of food (I do 1 gram of protein 1 gram of veggie and then fruit and grain usually) to 11 crabs and there is still extra for the flies :(
If you order too much you can always sell food starter packs with your crabs ;)
Great idea thanks !
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Post by Avery » Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:17 pm

CrabbyJ wrote: I don't know if you mean from the last batch of orders but I have some crabs from last year that have molted at least 5 times, a few of them have doubled in size since December, I also have a med viola molt and a blue molt from this last batch so far.
My straws are doing great! Two have molted- two showed up looking like they recently molted (nail tips, coloring, clear eyes) but, they are all doing awesome. Active and healthy. :D I'm in love with these little red monsters!
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Post by Amleigh » Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:55 pm

Anyone else have any updates? Crabs received, crabs in transit, etc? I'm living vicariously through you all until I can get my own exotics.
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Post by SachOfSCP » Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:29 pm

CrabbyJ wrote: I don't know if you mean from the last batch of orders but I have some crabs from last year that have molted at least 5 times, a few of them have doubled in size since December, I also have a med viola molt and a blue molt from this last batch so far.
No, I was referring to this season's batch of orders from the last couple months.
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Post by Breeezy » Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:34 am

So I'm just going to leave my experience here.......

I ordered in March. Kept trying to contact her over and over regarding when they would be shipped. Some emails she would respond to, but if I ever replied to that again, she would never see it. I'm talking about dozens of emails here. Very poor communication as many have noted here, but it was so bad that she wouldn't even respond what I was asking or requesting. It was just a copy and pasted message. That was really aggravating because I wasted way too much time on her. I was more offended she responded at all with some generic email that didn't say anything important, than when she ignored me.

I gave up at the end of June, because I was not happy at all with her customer service. I'll drive across the country to buy exotics before I give her my time and day to treat me like nothing.

I requested a refund. She took two weeks to respond to any of my refund emails. Said she would do it. I waited until the beginning of August to get that refund with no contact from her at all. I asked many times at that point in time when or if she was even going to return my money, which she ignored also. So I started a dispute with Paypal. She can't legally do pre-orders unless she notifies her buyers to begin with. I understand it takes some time, but she needs to be specific and up front with her customers, saying that there is a half a year waiting list. A lot more people would respect that she is honest, that playing the waiting game with a brick wall who won't respond. Regardless of her crappy pre-order system, I mainly just wanted my money back. I'm not spending over $150 on anything and just ignoring that I didn't receive product or my money back.

Immediately after I submitted the dispute, within a few hours, she magically saw my emails and said she would still refund me, but I can't place any orders in the future since I opened a dispute! That's fine with me lady! Obviously I don't want to order from you haha. I kept the dispute open waiting for my money for another two weeks. Nothing. Emailed her again and this is what I got:

"I received an email from PayPal that you are requesting the funds from your order. PayPal has already placed a hold on the funds from my account to refund you. Unless this dispute is cancelled out and closed, I cannot pay any additional funds to you. Once the dispute is closed, my funds are released and I will be happy to approve the money request. "

So I cancel the dispute right? Because of course she is an ethical, accommodating business owner right? :roll:

Wait another two weeks. No money. I tried sending her one of the "request money" things. I tried opening another dispute, but since I closed the first one, they wouldn't allow me. Waited another week hoping she would send the money through the request. Still nothing. So I called up Paypal and explained the situation. They opened the case back up and basically said if she didn't send the money request that I opened that they would physically withdraw the funds from her account and rightfully return it to me. They also informed me that what she said about the funds being held while I had the dispute open is completely incorrect and would never happen with their system. That REALLY makes me mad. First you be a jerk, then you straight up lie to me? Obviously she was just hoping I'd close and it forget I ever asked for the refund or something? Who knows... Waited about 5 days, and BAM. Finally the money is in my account. Funny how she was able to send funds this time with the dispute open.

Sooooo if anyone has any other suggestions on how to get exotics other than from this corrupt greedy woman, please PM me. I will gladly Paypal one of the members here money to pick me up some and ship them, if they are able to get them local.

4 Purple Pinchers (Hodor, Spree, Rosie, Leonardo, and Lucy), 1 Strawberry (Denver), 4 Ecuadorians (Dexter, Leeloo, Ghost, and Dr. Zoidberg)
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Post by Sugarbritchis » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:25 pm

One week ago I ordered some E's from her. During that time I found a place near me that I could get some E's. So this past Wednesday I emailed her & asked her to cancel my order & refund my money. I didn't hear from her. So I emailed her again told her this was the 2nd email to cancel & get a refund. Later that day I received an email saying she'd cancel my order. She didn't say anything about a refund. I immediately emailed her again asking about my refund. I didn't hear back. I emailed her again today and yesterday, still have not heard back. I will give her a few more days & emails, if I don't her back I'll have to dispute the charges with my bank. She has poor customer service & I most likely will never order from her.

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Post by sofiaee » Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:15 pm

wodesorel wrote:Personally, it would take a business that could guarantee a safe harvest and humane transport and housing before I would ever put money towards buying another hermit crab. I just can't see supporting an industry that is all about the money and not about the welfare of the hermits. I keep my husband apprised of HCA events, and when he heard about all this he looked at me with $$$ signs in his eyes and asked if we could import and sell hermit crabs ourselves. I'm sure I looked at him with abject terror when I replied that of course we could, if he was okay with the idea of collecting thousands of crabs from the wild and being directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of those just so we could make a profit. (Which is the same reason why I can't bring myself to buy exotics or even more PPs - the fact that several if not dozens of hermits died just so I could have one of them would be devastating for me to live with.) He dropped that idea fast.

It wouldn't be so hard on this end (USA), but it's finding suppliers on that end (where the hermits come from) that is difficult part. We're talking third world countries that don't have animal abuse laws and don't care about anything except being able to put food on the table for their families. You can't fault them for that, but at the same time it's horrific to have to deal with because there is no thought to the animals being harvested and transported past getting them to their destination and getting paid for it.
I stopped reading this thread and missed this great discussion!
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Post by Sfmrockstar » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:11 pm

Has anyone had contact with her lately? :?:

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Post by go_skiboard » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:31 pm

Sfmrockstar wrote:Has anyone had contact with her lately? :?:
I placed an order back in May, got frustrated when she ran out of blues and cancelled in early August, then emailed her a couple weeks ago to ask if i could get straws instead of blues and she replied saying sure. I asked when she would be shipping them. I got a reply 5 days ago that says she plans to ship early this week.

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Post by Sterling » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:24 pm

I keep going back and forth on purchasing some violas and staws from this site. Blah D:

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Post by PrettyNInk87x » Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:26 pm

I just wanted to warn everybody not to order from her. I'm on a bunch of FB groups and dead crabs from her are showing up left and right from my count at least 15 in the past month :crabcry: . It seems as if she no longer cares about these crabs and only wants the money.
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Post by Careyenz » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:58 pm

My blues are still doing very well. I had 1/5 pass with this shipment. I wouldn't expect much better odds if I had purchased 5 PPs from a pet store. I've had very good luck with all the crabs I've bought from LHC, with the exception of 3 small Indos, which were really unhealthy last year. I've ordered ruggies, straws, violas, Indos in the past, and now blues. I found them all to be very healthy. Other than the long wait, which I called way back in March when ppl were ordering this batch, I've had fairly good service. I expected the wait, so I wasn't disappointed when it happened.
Careyenz, mom to Collin-7, Lily-4, 4 Straws, 5 Blues, 2 Violas, 2 E's, 2 PP's, and 3 cats.
