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Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:25 pm
by FloridaSun
I am very excited about the ruggs. I decided to go with them after many discussions with Mom23 (Thank you by the way). They seem very active and seem to be mite free... I will check more thoroughly when I get home though.

I haven't been that excited in so long. I did get an additional one, unexpected. Which forces me to get a bigger tat or set up the 20g high - I am not complaining whatsoever!!! They seem very healthy. Thank you for everyone keeping me going and helping me wait just a little longer.

I feel like a kid at Christmas, and I'm 30 :lol:

Please excuse the picture quality... these guys are very active and I tried to do this as quickly as possible.

You can see "A" already in the food dish, 3 of them have been in there already.

This is "A" Female

"B" - She's very quick! Female

"C" Male

"D" Male


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:44 pm
by mom23
Yay! They are awesome! Can't wait to see more pics of them in their new home!!! One of my little rugs came up today and he's soooo cute.

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Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:56 pm
by MuseCrazy
I'm so jealous!!!


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:56 pm
by FloridaSun
I'm home and was freshening things up and found a possible mite. I don't know if it's a yes or no but I posted it in the picture thread. If you guys have a moment please take a look, thanks.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:15 pm
by Careyenz
My blues all came in happy and healthy. My husband wasn't about to give them their baths, so they waited til I came home for that. All 5 seem to be doing well and are currently shell shopping. I overloaded them with choices. So all's well that ends well. I posted pics on a separate thread, and I'll update it after they get some private time.

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Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:47 pm
by aussieJJDude
Kate87 wrote:There's nothing wrong with iso'ng your husband from time to time. :hlol:
Suddenly I very scared at getting married! :lol:

FloridaSun,congrats on your successful adoption! Your ruggies look very cute and have such interesting colours - of A and B are so dark. :)
I guess that it is worth the wait as they seem very healthy.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:27 pm
by FloridaSun
aussieJJDude wrote: Suddenly I very scared at getting married! :lol:

FloridaSun,congrats on your successful adoption! Your ruggies look very cute and have such interesting colours - of A and B are so dark. :)
I guess that it is worth the wait as they seem very healthy.
Thank you... A and B are very dark. It's a coincidence they are the only females too. I'm very excited just have my :fingerscrossed: everyone stays healthy and happy.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:16 pm
by mom23
With all of the recent discussions about what it takes to import crabs (requirements, paperwork, documents etc) I decided to email LHC with my questions about the Aussies I am waiting on. I was very friendly about it and mentioned the debates on the forums and the concerns we all have. I have developed a rapport with her over the last year so she emailed me back the following:

"The Australians were ordered in May. We were told it would be 1 week for shipment. The exporter has advised that rules have changed and things became more difficult. After 2 months he was finally able to get his single use permit which is needed for each export (besides his regular permit). Other hold ups were the shipper being unsure what documents were needed on my end so I had to contact fish and wildlife and await response. At this point I am awaiting a fax with documents needed for final paperwork which I have yet to receive. We are still awaiting a date of export. No hold up on my end as you can see from our correspondence with my supplier below. Thank you for your patience!"

What she means by as you can see by the correspondence below is she let me read the emails between herself, the supplier, and a woman from airfreight operations in Australia. I'm not going to post the emails because they have people's info on them, but she's not lying about the red tape and all the issues that have occurred trying to get this shipment of Aussies to the US. There are discussions of new rules and they all discuss documents and permits/new permits needed among other various things. She isn't lying about there being no hold up on her end. She's really has to wait just like we are.

I hope this makes everyone feel a bit more at ease now. Importing crabs is not an easy business and she's not scamming us or taking our money. The emails I read were over weeks of time. I definitely have a better understanding of the process and how CRAZY it is. I think when dealing with ordering crabs it's always going to be a waiting game because there is a lot out of her control. I personally don't want her to stop taking pre-orders because I want to make sure I get what I want. To me that would be the only thing she could do to avoid us waiting. Anyway...I'm not trying to spark a big debate, but I thought some of you would be interested in knowing what I found out. It's the short version but I hope it helps.

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Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:13 pm
by SachOfSCP
Honestly, if this is the case then I wonder if someone is scamming her on the Australian end....would you be willing to at least disclose who the supplier is? After all, I'm sure it's public record somewhere anyway & it isn't as if all of us are gonna rush to import Aussies, so there'd be no harm in knowing if it's a company on the up & up, right?


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:00 pm
by mom23
Sure. It's Merv.

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Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:22 am
by Handmaid
Placed an order yesterday for two blues and two straws (all small). Hoping they won't be as giant/oversized as some have had! I'm super duper excited, even though it'll prolly be a while. Congrats to those who got their lovely crabbies safe and sound! :)


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:06 am
by Tropical_Papi

to those who have received their shipment or are waiting on it, does the LHC lady send you an e-mail to set up a time for delivery? I am currently in Brazil and will not be available to receive any shipments until Tuesday. I hope anyone in Illinois has not received their shipments yet because that would mean mine are dying in the mailbox or on my front porch :(((


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:30 am
by MuseCrazy
Handmaid wrote:Placed an order yesterday for two blues and two straws (all small). Hoping they won't be as giant/oversized as some have had! I'm super duper excited, even though it'll prolly be a while. Congrats to those who got their lovely crabbies safe and sound! :)
I'm thinking of placing an order too....


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:21 am
by SachOfSCP
Tropical_Papi wrote:Hello,

to those who have received their shipment or are waiting on it, does the LHC lady send you an e-mail to set up a time for delivery? I am currently in Brazil and will not be available to receive any shipments until Tuesday. I hope anyone in Illinois has not received their shipments yet because that would mean mine are dying in the mailbox or on my front porch :(((
Yes, USUALLY she emails before shipping them but by the time she does, it's less than 24 hours before they'll be delivered, so that may not help your situation. (Brazil? Awesome!)


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:50 am
by mom23
She has always worked with my schedule.

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