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Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:09 pm
by SachOfSCP
mom23 wrote:I received an update. LHC heard from their supplier and if all goes well the Aussies could be on a plane next Friday. They would still have to de-stress, but hopefully it's getting closer!

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I hope you get them but I wouldn't hold my breath; she told me stuff like that for months :(

@Kate87 I think that's bull personally; how does 1 crab cover the potential deaths when you order so many? Especially when said crab is in such bad shape? We all also know that for a crab to die so quickly it must have been very stressed/damaged :(


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:22 pm
by Avery
Anyone still waiting for the small-med straws... and whatever else came in that shipment... I am.

She did however email me this morning to let me know that she will be shipping on Monday.
Absolutely the hottest time of the year, unusually HOT this year too, were pushing 90's on average right now and I'm on the coast! does not bode well for shipping. I know she cannot control the weather anymore than she can control her suppliers shipments.

My first thought was "Wow- one needs to be very determined to own these crabs, this is by far the longest wait in all the years I have ever experienced". Somehow, my level of excitement just isn't where it usually would be this time. Not about the crabs, I really want them! but it's been so long since I ordered them ,I've puttered out the excitement energy. Maybe a second blast of it will come when I know they are here and safe.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:26 pm
by mom23
I definitely got a burst of excitement when I started seeing people's pictures so I think once I know they're on their way I'll be excited. I also think it's been easier for me this time because it's summer and my kids are home and we are busy doing fun summer things. I still haven't even finished the tank yet. I've been slowly doing stuff. Even if the Aussies don't come in I'm still excited to get blues and cavipes.

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Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:44 pm
by jillybeans
After writing her a nasty gram she said she'd be willing to give me a replacement if I ordered from her again. No thanks. I think I'll take my chances locally until someone more deserving steps up to the plate.


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:04 pm
by mom23
Like with your next order you'd get a replacement?

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Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:07 pm
by SachOfSCP
Kate87 wrote:After writing her a nasty gram she said she'd be willing to give me a replacement if I ordered from her again. No thanks. I think I'll take my chances locally until someone more deserving steps up to the plate.

Wow!!! I'm really sorry this happened to you :(

This makes me so glad that I got my refund because she has a lot of nerve being such a turd after making everyone wait for months & not communicating, etc


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:14 pm
by jillybeans
mom23 wrote:Like with your next order you'd get a replacement?

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Yea with my next order she'd put in a replacement indo. There won't be a next time though, so my poor Red is gonna have to be alone unless I find another source.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:24 am
by crabbienewb
I lost a blue 1 week after I got them.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:14 am
by SachOfSCP

So it seems to me that she made everyone wait months & months, during which time she didn't communicate much with anyone at all and then when people DO start getting crabs, they have mites and/or start dropping like flies & she says, "Well...give me MORE money & I will give you replacement crabs." Even the crappy pet stores give you a 2 week replacement guarantee :(

I know that everyone hopes it won't happen to them (the mites, deaths, etc) and that she has the monopoly on exotics but maybe this season can be the straw that broke the camel's back & people will stop buying from her; file complaints with the BBB, etc & affect a change.....

For all of you waiting on crabs.....I suggest asking for a refund; maybe if enough people act she will have to change something....otherwise we'll all be back here next year saying the same things........


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:20 am
by FloridaSun
I ordered 3 ruggies, rcvd 4. I waited about 3 1/2 months. So far all are well, 2 are down molting.

I did almost cancel my order due to lack of communication. LHC explained my crabs were to be sent out within the next couple of days in which they were. I won't say never but I will say I doubt I will ever take this ride again. I can say now that I have them, I'm happy I waited.

It would be nice if someone else would exercise the option of importing crabs.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:37 am
by SachOfSCP
FloridaSun wrote:
It would be nice if someone else would exercise the option of importing crabs.
I've thought seriously about it (Hubby thinks it's a great idea but wouldn't be the one dealing with them, hh) because I do know some exporters but the problem is that to import them you have to order at least 100 at a time and some places have a requirement that you will commit to ordering X number each month. We are also renters and so I don't have the room or stability to take on that many crabs or I would. If I knew I could rent a place to keep them all....that would be different ;)


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:29 pm
by crabbienewb
SachOfSCP wrote::(

So it seems to me that she made everyone wait months & months, during which time she didn't communicate much with anyone at all and then when people DO start getting crabs, they have mites and/or start dropping like flies & she says, "Well...give me MORE money & I will give you replacement crabs." Even the crappy pet stores give you a 2 week replacement guarantee :(

I know that everyone hopes it won't happen to them (the mites, deaths, etc) and that she has the monopoly on exotics but maybe this season can be the straw that broke the camel's back & people will stop buying from her; file complaints with the BBB, etc & affect a change.....

For all of you waiting on crabs.....I suggest asking for a refund; maybe if enough people act she will have to change something....otherwise we'll all be back here next year saying the same things........
I'm curious to know how long these aussies have been sitting in crappy conditions waiting to be shipped, same with the blues that took a while to get approval, how long were they sitting with the importer, and in what conditions. If the aussies are the same group collected from april or whatever waiting to be shipped still, that's a long time to be sitting at an exporter in whatever conditions they have them in.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:22 pm
by SachOfSCP
Since only Merv Cooper can export the Aussies, they probably never even got boxed up until he was ready to ship I'd guess but yeah it's always a possibility; especially with the Indonesian species & that could explain the deaths somewhat. However I genuinely think that what she does is collects as much money as she possibly can before she bothers to even order them and so none of them are sitting waiting to ship in reality (in a way that would be a relief). She could easily have a minimum order requirement & that's why it takes so long (for example say she has to order 1,000 blues for the exporter to ship; she'd have to get orders/money for that many before she'd even order them).

There isn't a single other business in the world that would be "allowed" to operate the way she does; the fact that living animals are involved just sickens me :(


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:30 am
by Hermycrabitat21
Avery wrote:Anyone still waiting for the small-med straws... and whatever else came in that shipment... I am.

She did however email me this morning to let me know that she will be shipping on Monday.
Absolutely the hottest time of the year, unusually HOT this year too, were pushing 90's on average right now and I'm on the coast! does not bode well for shipping. I know she cannot control the weather anymore than she can control her suppliers shipments.

My first thought was "Wow- one needs to be very determined to own these crabs, this is by far the longest wait in all the years I have ever experienced". Somehow, my level of excitement just isn't where it usually would be this time. Not about the crabs, I really want them! but it's been so long since I ordered them ,I've puttered out the excitement energy. Maybe a second blast of it will come when I know they are here and safe.
Yup im still waiting for mine. I also ordered Ruggies and blues to


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:38 pm
by stewartx4
I am waiting on blues but I didn't order until the first week of May so I'm sure they will be a while.