Alaska Hermit food store open for business! SALE 1/17/2014

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by sandra03 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:10 am

Aww. The fids are so cute ^_^

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Hermit-Crab-Cottage » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:51 pm

Very neat! We share so many of our 'natural gathering' ideas for hermit crabs! And looking at your site gave me a bunch of new ideas. You know, I work for a company called 'Kwik'pak' (they're on the news all the time) but I know that they are always looking for ways to earn a few extra bucks off of salmon scraps, whitefish scraps, sea weed, fish eggs, and all kinds of western Alaska berries. If you ever want a market to purchase a few very cheap supplies from I'd be happy to talk to the native council for you. They'd love to sell native-harvested food scraps. :)
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by wolfnipplechips » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:58 pm

@HCC- I'm going to stick with just harvesting on my own for now. I don't have the budget to buy stuff, yet! :D Thanks so much for the offer, though.
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by wolfnipplechips » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:26 pm

Have an announcement of sorts. Well, several.

I got more moose poop! :D Yes, that's my freezer...full of poops and vegan pizza.

I also got more huckleberry and blueberry branches. :) They should be added to the store within a week or two. They are still drying.

I also may start selling whole herrings depending on how much they stink up the kitchen. :o Wish I had a house so I could dehydrate stuff outside! My dehydrator would get stolen if I put it on my apt porch. :x But keep an eye out for those I guess.

I also brought back some beach goodies, but not as much as I had hoped. :( The tides did not line up with daylight hours. But maybe in March! I am going back to Juneau for spring break, and I already looked at the tide tables, and it lines up with daylight for almost the whole week. :D

Ok, off to do an order, eat dinner, and go to bed. Exhausted from traveling.
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Happy Crabber » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:10 am

Sounds wonderful. I'm always up for trying new proteins. Do the dried fishes stink once they are dried? In the tank?

My crabbies are chowing down on some moose poop as I type. Gotta get more of that soon. They love it!
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Happy Crabber » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:24 am

Hermione lovin' the poop

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by wolfnipplechips » Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:45 pm

Happy Crabber, can I put that pic on the website in the future? We are going to have a customer gallery page. It was supposed to be up by now, but we had problems with our hosting people, and we didn't want to add anything more until we changed our website theme.

And not sure on the herring, yet. I'll have to try it. :) My crabs like fresh herring and that reeks, but I doubt the dehydrated stuff will smell as much.

Forgot to add that the free samples will all be animal protein. :D I have three types, and they are not in the store.
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Happy Crabber » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:49 am

Sure you can. No problem. Looking forward to the new stuff.

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by sandra03 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:44 pm

Off topic..

How's the tofurkey pizza? I find their products hit or miss, deli slices are great sausages kind of gross lol. I'm always hesitant to try new stuff from them, too xpensve if I don't like it

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by wolfnipplechips » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:08 pm

I think it's really icky. lol. My husband is the vegan one. He loves that pizza, but it makes his breath stink horrible for about 2 days after he eats it. He only buys it about once a month because it's like $9. Expensive! :(
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by sandra03 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:30 pm

Yeah that's why I haven't tried it yet. Well that and our hometown has poor selection for this type of thing, where we live now I can find lots more goodies but I still hesitate to spend the money.

Try gardein, their stuff is awesome. I haven't tried anything by them that I haven't liked and its closer to real meat texture.

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by wolfnipplechips » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:45 pm

So it's a no-go on the herring. I got them pretty well dehydrated, but they stunk up my apartment so bad, and the smell got into my clothes. But of course I didn't notice until I went to class smelling like seagull barf. :anon:

Need. A. House.
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by sandra03 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:52 pm

Gross :hlol:

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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Happy Crabber » Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:51 pm

Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. But I did just laugh out loud on that one.

:hlol: :hlol: :hlol:
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Re: Alaska Hermit food store open for business! :D

Post by Element » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:21 pm

I've been delaying my order, hoping that your Alaskan Crab Carapace would come back in stock. Any idea if you might get some more soon? (don't mean to pressure, just want to order some poop and other things but don't mind waiting a few weeks if you might get more carapace by then ^^) And would love to purchase huckleberry branches too if you get them in stock.
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