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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:14 pm
by Careyenz
Hermycrabitat21 wrote:
The straws are amazing compared to the last time I ordered them. They are bright red and gorgeous. The ruggies are amazing aswell. Their antennas are bright orange. One of the Viola's are amazingly purple... oooh I am in love. But the other viola is lacking some serious color. Im sort of questioning if it is a viola.fImage

But I bathed them and did not see any mites. They will Bevin ISO for a month and then I will add them to my new 50 gallon main tank. Overall im happy with my order and I do not have many complaints about it. She kept me informed through the process. I was originally suppose to get them a few weeks ago but she said something about her facilities flooding from a storm and the post office aswell and she dod not want the crabs being stuck in a box longer than a night, she wasn't confident they would still get them to me the next day. I was not in a hurry to receive them so I agreed. In all she was nice about it and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I think everything just turned out the way it was supposed to.
That's a viola. It has the coloring of a juvenile. They don't turn purple until they are well into medium sizes. I have one that's a bigger medium and is still orange!

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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:21 pm
by crabbienewb
what happened that caused her to run out of blues? I am reading different things on several fb groups


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:45 pm
by Hermycrabitat21
Careyenz wrote: That's a viola. It has the coloring of a juvenile. They don't turn purple until they are well into medium sizes. I have one that's a bigger medium and is still orange!

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Thank you, but my other viola who is about the same size is that dark gorgeous purple which is why I was confused. Thank you for clearing that up for me Image Image


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:40 pm
by Ammolite
AimeeZ21 wrote: WHAT??? She sent you Indos? She contacted me two weeks ago, said they were in, but asked me to wait until after her vacation to have them shipped. Then, she e-mailed me on Tuesday that she was sorry, but didn't have any more in stock and asked me to pick a different species. I asked for ruggies, instead. I ordered two. The post office didn't get them to me overnight, like they were supposed to, but I got them 2nd day. I was kind of hoping for an extra crab like everyone else gets for their patience, but only got two. They're beautiful. But now I'm angry that she told me she didn't have the Indos!! Pictures of Hermie and Blossom (the kids named them).
I received my three Indos and four Ruggies yesterday. I ALMOST didn't receive them till today due to the same post office/labeling snafu that seems to have affected everyone else's order. However, I was lucky and able to speak with my local post office to straighten things out.

The crabs arrived in good shape, all things considered. The Indos all look pretty rough (all are missing limbs and leg tips), but they're surprisingly active. I never quite know where I'll find them, which is a pleasant change from the previous order. I think one may have already changed shells and dug down. The Ruggies are also quite active and climbing all over. Two have changed shells, and one may have already dug down.

I didn't take any pictures yet because I was so anxious about my mail issues, and then about getting the crabs comfortably into the tank. Maybe once they're settled-in I'll take some pictures.

As for why I received Indos... I assume it has something to do with the fact that I ordered in mid-March and was supposed to receive my order in early August, but had to postpone the shipping. I also asked for a refund rather than choosing a different species to replace the Indos. Like I said, all of my Indos are pretty rough and missing limbs, so I could have gotten the "bottom of the barrel" so-to-speak. Only time will tell if they survive. (Only 1 out of 5 survived from my first order, though they were decidedly more lethargic than this batch.)


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:11 pm
by stewartx4
I received my new babies Friday. I ordered 6 blues but like many of you she also emailed me and said they were out. We ended up agreeing on a mixture of straws and ruggies. I took a few quick pictures. The ruggies were all in turbos and vary considerably in color from almost black to greyish blue to peach. I just can't believe how small they are. I ordered smalls and they are, it has just been so long since I have had a small. The straws have some beautiful shells. One shell is really heavy for the size of the crab so I hope she changes soon. I have a bunch of shells in there but so far only one has changed. I did see at least two mites on one of the ruggies.

This is everyone right out of the box.

And here are A few of just the ruggies.







And the strawberries



These last two are a bit blury!



Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:12 pm
by SachOfSCP
Just thought everyone would like to know that now she is telling people who ask for refunds that too much time has passed (why does this not surprise me?).

I'd love to see those of you still waiting all make demands for refunds because if enough people go after her then not only will PayPal have to do something but maybe it will finally have an impact.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:48 pm
by lefty
uhgg i can no longer even read this thread anymore . this impact could result in some of us no longer having the option of getting these beautiful exotics, not all of us feel that way.... and i really like checking it for updates but it has made me very sad


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:51 am
by teardrop
im still waiting on 3 pp

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Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:50 pm
by cjmiller
She just hasn't answered my emails requesting a refund. I filed a PayPal dispute and they told me even though they were pre order they can't help me so I'm just out my $147.99. They then told me to contact and file a complaint with them which I did, as well as with the BBB and Federal Trade Commission. I'm sure nothing will come from any of it and I'll just be out the money - but I'm doing it anyway to make a point. Maybe if enough people do it things will change. I also let PayPal know she was selling them as pre-orders and that is a really crummy way to do business (her. .. Not paypal) and that they need to keep an eye on her because I know a lot of people were in the same boat that I am


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:52 pm
by cjmiller
Thank you for contacting PayPal.  We recently received your dispute for the
following transaction:

Case ID: PP-003-369-973-969
Amount: 147.99 USD

Because you did not open a dispute on this transaction within 45 days, you
aren’t covered by PayPal Purchase Protection. However, you can still file a
report online through the Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3.

The IC3 was established as a partnership between the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) to
serve as a means to receive Internet related criminal complaints.

The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual
victim or from a third party to the complainant. They will process your
complaint if they receive accurate and complete information from you. When
filing a complaint, provide the following information:

•Your name
•Your mailing address
•Your telephone number
•The name, address, telephone number, and Web address, if available, of the
individual or organization you believe defrauded you.
•Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were defrauded.
•Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your
You can file a complaint with the IC3

To learn more about PayPal's Buyer Protection Policy, go to
and click "Security and Protection" at the top of the page.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Protection Services


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:14 pm
by SachOfSCP
Did you let PayPal know that you didn't open a dispute within 45 days because you kept getting promised the merchandise?


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:15 pm
by cjmiller
I did. It was all in my first complaint. all of my emails to and from lhc.


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:20 pm
by SachOfSCP
Maybe I am being negative but I wonder if she didn't plan all of this the way she did knowing it would be harder for people to get their money back if she just let it go past the 45 days... It isn't like she is new to working with PayPal.....


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:31 pm
by cjmiller
She hasn't said anything. No offering different crabs (which I wouldn't take anyway - I only wanted the blues) ... No telling me she wouldn't refund my money. Nothing. Just no responses. I'm at a point that I just hate her. I love my crabbies I got last year and all but I wish I hadn't even ordered those. I wish she would just completely get shut down. *sigh*


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:46 pm
by wodesorel
cjmiller - by any chance, did you use a credit card to fund the Paypal transaction? Credit Card companies have their own sets of rules and you should be able to open up a dispute with them directly. You may even be able to contact your bank if you used your checking account, and see what their policy is regarding these types of situations. The Paypal dispute is the first step - there can be other methods that work!