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Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:11 pm
by mom23
Beautiful! I love my indos too. They all have pink, lavender, purple to them. So pretty. I got 4 small, 2 medium and one large medium-small large one. They were very outgoing until I got them into the tank. The big guy has been in the big moss pit ever since and the others have found hiding spots too except one-he's out all the time. Hopefully they'll settle in and let me see them! I guess with a big tank with lots of hiding spots that's bound to happen. Lol. Keep me posted on how they're doing. I'll look for your pics.


Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:57 pm
by aussieJJDude
Ammolite I love your kitty, is that the one for your avatar?? :)
Beautiful crabs and I hope the best for them! :)
Is it time for a siggy update??? :D
haha, will they be the Kutut & Ronda Crabby Family??? :P


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:52 am
by Ammolite
Yes Aussie, that's Pilsner, my handsome and neurotic orange cat.

We've actually decided on baked-good-themed names for the Indos, So, they're the Indonesian Bakery. :lol:


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:56 pm
by CrabbyJ
I finally gave my new crabs a couple of sw baths doing one then skipping a day then doing one today and I have seen about 5 large white mites and a few smaller one's today. I went ahead and ordered the H Miles today so they will come on Mon-Tuesday. So Far the crabs seem ok, not super active nor super slow.

The ruggs and straws are much more active then all the others. I took some pics so I will upload those after this post. The 2 Straws switched shells and so did a few Indo's. I have rinsed out the old shells and removed them from the iso. I decided to keep them as I find them interesting to look at with all the modifications done by previous crabs. Some shells appear to be very old.

I ordered 2 straws, 2 violas, 1 rugg and 1 indo, I ended up getting 2 straws, 3 violas, 3 indos and 2 ruggs making 10 total. (Thanks LHC!!) They range from tiny to larger smalls (again I'll post pics as reference)

They are eating well and drinking well. Soaking in the sw bowl and starting to climb around a little. I have the tat at 80 degrees and 80-85% humidity. I keep a space heater running in my room to help regulate all 3 tats as well at optimal temps.

I'll try and post pics now of the babies :)


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:06 pm
by CrabbyJ
Opening the box

The burlap moss bag with the crabs

Got the crabs out

The Straws

The Ruggs

The Violas (3 total with one not pictured)

The Indos

The Straws Together :)

an Indo


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:50 pm
by mom23
Love them! My straws are all over the place as well as 2 ruggies. The violas all come out at night and most of the indos are still hiding.


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:04 pm
by Ammolite
What a mixed group of crabbies! They're all looking good. Good luck with them!


Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:21 am
by aussieJJDude
I love your crabs CrabbyJ!! More pics?


Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:31 am
by mom23
So how are everyone's new crabs doing? I haven't been able to find all of mine at one time since day one. I'm not sure I ever will. Too many places to hide in the big tank I guess. One ruggie is always out and about. A couple of straws come out to explore, although the 5 straws have claimed a moss pit right by the salt water and they all hang out there together. There are usually 1-2 violas there as well as a few others all in this spot. Have a 150 now and they all gather there. Lol. All of the indos are hiding and the other 2 ruggies. I can see a few of them and some (like biggie) haven't come out since the minute I put them in. How long do they de-stress? I can't remeber. Of course they could be coming out late at night. I also can't get most of them to switch shells. The straws have and a couple more, but most haven't even though I have a lot of shells that they should like. I researched what each species prefers and have them in various sizes. I thought they'd want out of their old shells like my pp's did. I guess it's all part of them being new and me being completely impatient for some more activity. I've got this cool set up now and only 2 use it.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:59 pm
by CrabbyJ
Hey guys I finally had a nervous crabby breakdown so I am going to rehome my crabs from I don't have the time and money to do this and buy more pred mites ($40), all or most of the h miles crawled right out of the tank, so I taped the tank and they were all stuck to the tape dead today. I got some other good idea's to deal with the mites but it's just to much for me to handle right now. One of the viola's died so I have 2 left, plus the 2 straws, 2 ruggs and 3 indo's, they all have mites since the first bath they had none, the 2nd bath I seen 2-3 then 3rd bath a few days later they had 5-6. I don't want my other crabs to get these or I'm done for good since the h miles just crawl right out of the tank I would not be able to treat my other crabs. I posted an ad in the Adoption section for anyone local that may be interested. I hope everyone else has a better outcome with their babies. I was just not ready for all this at this time :P


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:22 pm
by mom23
Where are you located? If you decide to ship, let me know.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:56 pm
by AppleJack
I'd be interested as well, but only if you're able to ship.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:20 pm
by wodesorel
CrabbyJ wrote:Hey guys I finally had a nervous crabby breakdown so I am going to rehome my crabs from
I posted a link to your adoptees post on our Facebook page as well. I've had a lot of difficulty as the adoption coordinator finding adopters in your area.


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:11 pm
by Knibitz


Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:45 pm
by CrabbyJ
Thanks everyone for wanting to help, I found a friend local that will take them if I can't get rid of the mites in the next few weeks, Thanks again! :)