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Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:10 pm
by SachOfSCP
CrabbyJ wrote:wow I'm kinda speechless about the "Fish and Wildlife" info...I know she reads this forum but I gotta say it's not cool to not hear back about whats going on, the website has not been updated since she started taking pre is frustrating to not know whats going on or when they will come or even if she gets them/already got them?

Last time I got a reply she said she would "hope" they would ship by the beginning of June and I have not heard back from my last email. Could this go on until November/December again like last year? I mean last year I ordered in August and got the crabs I think November 20th or something?
If she reads it than I hope she would understand how frustrated we are all are about this and how many people are gonna be asking for refunds soon.

As bad as it sounds, I didn't mind her pre-ordering in a way that was against PayPal & CC rules when I thought it would get us our crabs. I would never want to encourage breaking any animals laws but I was "okay" with not being totally above-board with PayPal, etc because I figured maybe she DID need the money from us first but as I have said it has gone beyond the point of ridiculousness. She is being less than truthful in what TINY bit of info she does provide on the situation and what other company would take your money, make you wait for months and not even tell you what's going on?! She should at least offer (for those of us who ordered Aussies in addition to other species) to ship the other exotics and eat the cost of shipping the Aussies when they come in; in my opinion.


Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:06 pm
by Axiluvia
jkd87 wrote:
oh boy! I happened to email the division of fish and wildlife, because I was interested in possibly starting up my own business,( which probably isnt going to happen anyway bc I really want to move back to Arizona from NJ full time) and they said that they do not regulate exotic hermit crabs. So, I dont know what the heck is going on. oh my word! Like I said, I don't even MIND waiting, its just the no communication bit that bugs me. I can't even get in touch to add to my order! lol I keep picturing that lady Sweet Brown from the news saying "aint nobody got time for that!" bahaha
I totally agree with this statement. I don't mind waiting, as long as I'm kept updating with what's going on. I've had too many artists, and other people delay and delay and delay and stop talking to me, and I've lost so much money. There's been a couple companies I've had that happen with until I said I was willing to drag their *** through small claims court. THEN they reply!

And if you do start a business to sell hermits, I would be up for that!


Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:43 pm
by Careyenz
All I have to add to this conversation is that this is exactly what happened last summer. It took months to get our orders. Ramadan begins at the end of the month, and this was the excuse as to why her Indonesian suppliers could not ship crabs. If they don't go out soon, we won't see them til October.

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Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:01 pm
by Avery
I got this yesterday... thought I'd pass it along...

"All my imports have been a disaster.. I did receive a partial shipment from Indonesia and fish and wildlife held up my clearance for a month. I finally got clearance and will begin shipments of what I did receive the week of July 7th.. The remainder of my Indonesian crabs will be coming in the next 2 weeks and we are awaiting the date for the Australian flight. We thought this time would be smooth as it is a new supplier, and it was not."

Thank you,


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:22 pm
by SachOfSCP
Thanks for the update! It's more lies on her part but I guess it's better than nothing & still is no answer for those of us who ordered both :(


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:36 pm
by CrabbyJ
Good I get back from camping that week!


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:38 pm
by Avery
SachOfSCP wrote:Thanks for the update! It's more lies on her part but I guess it's better than nothing & still is no answer for those of us who ordered both :(
Sach- after several attempts to contact her, I finally sent off another email; and I'll admit, I was blunt, and to the point... if not down right rude. I try to not be rude as I have been dealing with her for years now, and in general I'm not a rude person, but I can honestly say I've never waited near 5 months for crabs before either... and all I ordered were Straws. I had zero intention of dealing with the apprehensions that I knew would ensue from these new exotics. I thought I chose wisely.
I'm not mad. I'm not impatient. And honestly I don't care what tale she wants to spin: As I explained to her... "I ALMOST forgot I had placed this order, and all she has to do is update her web site relieving her customers of unneeded stress and apprehensions ".

(It only occurred to me as I was planning out upcoming events my employer must attend thus I must attend as well, my dogs chemo treatments, and my sons busy life. If/when she finally decides to send me a notification while I'm in San Diego/NY/ or London for boss's book signings- I wont be here!!!! SO- I'm getting a bit antsy and need to plan accordingly :))


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:53 pm
by SachOfSCP
I know what you mean @Avery & believe it or not I'm not a rude person (online anyway, lmso). I'm lucky enough that 99% of the time I am home so I at least don't have to worry about that (though if it takes much longer I will be busy giving birth!) but to me it is the principle of having to wait coupled with getting lies for answers. Even if she put the lies on her website it would be an improvement over what she has done so far, in a way. This emailing only one or 2 people here & there nonsense is ridiculous. I last emailed her the 2nd week of May & never got an answer. I expected to wait but this is beyond the pale.


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:24 pm
by Axiluvia
I think at this point if someone here that was a mod, or someone most of the people here knew was reliable and communicative, we'd probably help fund a kickstarter for them to get a business started up for the imports. I would, and I'm not planning on buying any new crabs for a while; I think honesty and communication are THAT important.


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:56 pm
by SachOfSCP
Axiluvia wrote:I think at this point if someone here that was a mod, or someone most of the people here knew was reliable and communicative, we'd probably help fund a kickstarter for them to get a business started up for the imports. I would, and I'm not planning on buying any new crabs for a while; I think honesty and communication are THAT important.
That's not a bad idea though all in all it all still supports wild harvests. The only reason I was getting more was so I could study the Aussies and so my 2 straws would have more friends. After this, I'm not getting any more crabs unless they are re-homes; I don't wanna support the harvesting anymore.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:35 pm
by Amethyst
Just thought I'd let you guys know that she told me she has all sizes of Blues except smalls, and that the smalls are supposed to be in the week of July 7th.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:34 pm
by SachOfSCP
That's a start I guess and good news for those who ordered them.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:38 pm
by FloridaSun

We are beginning to ship the week of July 7th. We are hoping to get this order out and will email and await confirmation when we are ready to ship.

Thank you,

This is an email I rcvd today, I sent an email on the 27th explaining I was considering canceling my order due to lack of communication. Let's see, hopefully everything starts coming together for everyone.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:51 pm
by SachOfSCP
I just sent an email saying that I will ask for a refund if I don't get something concrete in the immediate future. At this point the money would be of more use to me than the tank that's sitting empty waiting for crabs that seemingly will never come. Let's see what happens.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:35 pm
by mom23
I have an empty tank sitting at my house too...

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