New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

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New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by lessthansign3 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:35 pm

Hello Everyone! :D

I have, at last, opened up my very own Etsy shop with my homemade hermit crab foods. Here she be:

The highlight, of course, is the poop. Rabbit and guinea pig poop. My crabs go nuts for it! And my pigs and bunnies produce enough of it, so why not share the love, right? :wink: So please, check it out!

Thank you ever so much <3
Last edited by lessthansign3 on Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits!

Post by YYWW » Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:17 pm

Yay poop! LOL congrads and wish you the best of business! I might have to pop by after i get rid of all the stuff i have frozen!

Crabbers unite!!!

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits!

Post by lessthansign3 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:18 pm

Thanks <3 Just a little something I'm doing for fun, honestly. I love coming up with new mixes for the crabs, and my crabs love trying out all of my new creations. I started collecting plants for my pet degus, actually, and I realized many of them could be given to the crabs as well. I like giving them as much variety as possible.

Soon I'll be getting a food dehydrator, so I can start dehydrating carrots and sweet potatoes :crabbigsmile: I'm very excited for those, as they are both very high in beta carotene - very healthy for crabs. If all goes well, I'll order in some dried krill, too. We'll see how it goes.

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by lessthansign3 » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:33 am

Hey everyone! I've just added a bunch of shells for sale on the store. Most of them are for very small crabs - 3/4" opening being the most popular, although I also have a bunch of larger magpie shells, and those are mostly 7/8", although I do have one that's a 1"-er. They're all pretty cheap, so please check them out, and perhaps order some food to go along with them! :crabbigsmile:

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by Eilasor » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:08 pm

How cute! I might just order some poop when I get birthday money :crabbigsmile:
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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by Yin-fen » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:07 pm

I never would have thought that they liked poop! I share your knowledge of how much guineas poop-its almost startling how fast they can make a clean space dirty :lol:
Once I get my hermits I'll probably order some food!
Hermit-crabless at the moment
1 rat, 1 guinea pig, 1 betta fish, 1 cat, 4 dogs

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by lessthansign3 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:43 am

They most certainly are little poop factories! And once you get your crabs, provided your piggie isn't on any medications and isn't sick, you can feed your crabs their poops, too :) The crabs like them. Hermit crabs eat poop in the wild. Maybe not guinea pig poop in particular, since they don't run in the same circles, but from other animals. There must be something of nutritional value in there for them. They also love the rabbit poop! I haven't tried rat poop, since rats are a little more omnivorous and I prefer to stick to pure herbivores. Herbivore poop just seems cleaner. I suppose I could try chinchilla poop (I have them, too) but it's just so tiny.

Also, *never ever ever* feed your crabs poop from a carnivore - dog, cat, ferret, or even the more omnivorous hedgehog - just don't do it! The crabs probably wouldn't like it anyway, but also it's super unsanitary. Cat poop has germs in it that make it super unsafe.

(Although, super awesome secret? Ferret poop and pee makes the best garden rabbit repellent! I need no fences, I have weasels :lol:)

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Re: New Etsy Store - UrbanHermits! - Now with shells! 1/26

Post by rainbow_crab » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:13 pm

So I found you on etsy and had recently ordered the bloom and rose mix, the tropicana mix and the Other mix with the rabbit poop, it had kale oak leaves and some flowers. Once I got it I put it in the crabs tanks. My crabs loved it, I put a little of each in it the dishes and all the crabs were camping out in them. Even my Rollie pollies loved it haha. Thanks for the awesome addition in food. I gave you good ratings, the food was great, and the shipping was fast. The only thing I would recommend is putting the ingredients on the baggie. The baggies they came in we're perfect for me to write them on myself though so not bad at all. When we get through our food supply I will order more, thanks again
