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Different species of crabs

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 11:36 pm
by CrabDaddy722
I got all of my crabs from PETCO and I believe they are all PP's. What are the chances of finding a different species crab at PETCO?i really would like a straw or an E!

Re: Different species of crabs

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 11:52 pm
by Hermias_mom
What you find at Petco depends on your Petco - where it is and who is supplying their hermit crabs. It can vary widely throughout the year. Adoption is usually a better option, but finding crabs to adopt can sometimes take some work. Craigslist is a good place to start, or you can check the HCA adoptions threads for crabs in your area.

Before you get an exotic (Es and Straws are considered exotics) make sure you read the general and species specific care guides for each type of crab.

Basic care sheet for all Crabs: ... 51&t=92457
Ecuadorian care sheet: ... hp?t=92454
Strawberry care sheet: ... hp?t=92450

Note that Straws only live around 3 years, need lots of UVB light mounted inside the tank (this can be tricky to do without damaging their eyes), and deep saltwater pools. Es need at least 10" substrate minimum, or they'll dig up and eat your molting crabs. Both are generally more shy than PPs and less interactive with people, from what I've read. Individual crab behavior can vary from the norm, though. I think both types of exotics need it significantly hotter than PPs do and are much less tolerant of colder temperatures and stress.

Most experienced crabbers recommend you spend a few years caring for PPs before moving on to exotics, since they have more specialized care.