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Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:38 am
by heyitseggs2
Hey guys.
My tank is in need for some new shells. Not only do my crabs need a couple bigger shells, I'm also thinking of getting one or two more crabs. So right now, I have 12 shells (15 counting the ones my crabs are wearing.) and I'm thinking about getting 10 more. I'm looking for some nice looking shells that PPs like. Any suggestions on websites where I can get them for a reasonable price?
Thanks so much
Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:40 am
by Hermiesguardian
Check out the link on the left. Shopping resources. It will have several suggestions. I just purchased shells from Naples Shell Company.
Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:52 am
by heyitseggs2
Which place do you guys recommend for unexpensive, but good quality shells that I can purchase in bulk?
Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 11:11 am
by ha_haley
I get my shells from Naples Sea Shell Company. I normally just order the assorted small turbos and the assorted large turbos because I have crabs from tiny to large, so they always fit at least one crab lol.
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Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:18 pm
by Moonlightdreams
I didn't buy any (which I am still kicking myself for, ugh), but I found some great shells at those beach shops. They had the awful painted ones, but they also had green turbos, tapestry turbos, silver turbos, whale eye, and a lot more. Pretty reasonable prices too - I think the big tapestry turbos were only about $1.50.
Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:36 pm
by HHIhermies1004 is from the list provided from the HCA I think it's was formally Richards Seashells or vice versa. I've ordered from then twice with excellent customer service and I've ordered from Naples as well which was equally as nice. Just have to check out what they have in stock according to size and type. I've gotten lucky on amazon and I get them in two days with prime shipping for example I got these beauts today. I searched "turbo shells" and the description will tell ya the size and opening size. Good luck I love shell shopping.
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Re: Good places to get shells?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:12 am
by PinchersAndShells
I would definitely recommend getting a caliper to measure your crabs shells before buying though! I spent a lot of money on shells that ended up being the wrong size awhile back. Gotta learn the hard way I guess!
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