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Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 5:57 pm
by Xenpurgisn@cht
I've been trying to find sources to find tanks of said size in the title as I'm looking to upgrade from my 20 gallon- especially as I look into getting another crab at somepoint in the future, but my 20 gal is more on the cramped side so I would appreciate the extra space- primarily for large shells and molting. I've only been able to find one such tank online and it's the tetra aquarium kit which is fine, but it's slightly smaller on the width spectrum then I would like.

Anyone know where to find tanks of this size range? ( preferably with a plastic lid ) I feel like I've searched everywhere, including craigslist which has given me no good results either.

Re: Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 7:11 pm
by wodesorel
With used tanks you have to look constantly as they can pop up anytime. I know marketplace lets you set keyword alerts, not sure about the others.

The $1 a gallon sales have been up to 29 gallons lately. Larger tanks can be half off. 30 gallons are less common but any pet store that carries aquariums can special order you one.

A 10 gallon increase is not going to do a lot though. A 29 is just an extra tall 20, so there won't be more floor space for moulting. A 30 gallon is only a few inches longer.

Re: Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:52 pm
by Xenpurgisn@cht
Mainly what I just need is just a few more extra inches of floor space, on the shelf my tank is on I have roughly a foot or so of space I can use

Re: Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:00 pm
by SR245
If you have some diy know how in you, you could just convert a muscle rack into a large plywood tank enclosure and just seal the entire inside with silicone water proofing when you're done. Muscle racks come in all shapes an sizes so there's bound to be one with the floorspace dimensions you want. And since you can just get plywood cut to the size you want at your local lumber yard you could get whatever depth you want out of the bottom half of the enclosure, just cut the front panel to size. Probably much more expensive than buying at a dollar per gallon sale, but much cheaper than buying increasingly larger and larger aquariums. Muscle racks are like $50-$60, and plywood is modest but can be cut to whatever dimensions you want the enclosure to be.

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Re: Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:52 am
by GotButterflies
Have you tried apps such as OfferUp and LetGo?

Re: Where to find 29/30 Gal tanks for reasonable prices?

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:17 am
by eldorf.dragonsbane
If you are a Pet Supply Plus Rewards member they are having a sale for $1 per gallon for 10gallon, 20 gallon (both long and high) and 29 gallon aquariums. Picked up a 29 gallon aquarium yesterday from one of the local Pet Supply Plus stores for $29+tax to upgrade the Crabitats I have now (a small approx 1.5-2 gallon travel tanks). The sale is running form Aug 27th to Sept 30, 2020