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Thank goodness for the crabbage patch!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:57 pm
by Guest
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that the Crabbage Patch is a lifesaver. I have four PPs, and, in my humble opinion, only one of them might be in a suitable shell.
Norman, my largest, has a large hole in his shell, on the underside where the spiral ends, and you can see his soft rear end through it. I refuse to believe that it is comfortable, and he is loosing moisture!
Dexter was in a very tiny shell when we purchased him, one that he looked very comfy in. But he swapped into a much larger shell, and it is WAY TOO BIG for him. He looks like he is wearing a huge sombero. It is so big it is hampering his movements. It keeps pulling him over backwards.
Harley was trying on shells for awhile, then settled back in his original, then bullied Herman out of his, and now they have switched back. So obviously he is 'shopping around', and Im worried about potential shellfights. Harley has been showing aggressive signs. Herman and Harley are both getting a bit big for their shells.
So, I have given them every shell I could find for them. However, finding decent shells is nearly impossible! And the ones I think are idea, they seem to ignore. I bought one shell from a pet store, and then it broke into pieces in my hand. Finding shells is near impossible - at least up here in Canada.
So I looked online. NaplesSeaShell Co. looked great, but they don't ship to Canada. :( But the Crabbage Patch does, and it is nice to support someone who has such a good hermit crab program going!
I am just so happy, and I am really looking forward to receiving me (large) shell order! I just wanted to remind everyone of what a great place The CrabbagePatch is, and maybe throw some more business their way.
Another long post, I know. At least I'm enthusiastic!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:25 am
yes many of us agree and are big fans!! I agree lets throw more bizness her way--I can only hope she can keep up with us addicts! :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:45 am
by Guest
I too, received an awesome shipment from Crabbage Patch! Too bad none of my hermies are impressed as much as I am :( Maybe they will switch in time.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:23 am
by Guest
I am a Crabbage Patch fan, too! Tammy is a sweet lady (I have met her in person!), with real concern for hermit crabs. I was extremely pleased with the shells that I bought from her. (And the crabs I bought from her, too!!!) They were very nice quality, and some were different than the typical shells that I had been buying for mine. I have at least 6 of my hermies in Crabbage Patch shells right now.

I am sure you will be thrilled when you receive your order! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:54 pm
by Willow
All of my Crabbage Patch shell had takers right away (although some are empty right now), and it was great watching my largest hermie jump right into his new camo turbo, which fits him absolutely perfectly (just measure and Tammy will find you the right shell!). He really needed it, too. I especially love the striped turbos and the camo turbos, because I've never seen them anywhere else (actually petdiscounters now has camo turbos, but they didn't before). My mom wants to go to Florida for her Zonian/class reunion, and if I get to go, I know where I'm going to visit 8) .

Crabbage Patch rocks!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:59 pm
by Guest
I just received my first order from TCP - and I am impressed! It came speedy quick, packaged with care, included a hand written 'Thank you' on the invoice, brochures about care, and a free sample of their soil supplement (along with a nice seashell serving dish for it).

Customer service like this is so rare!


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:14 am
by BAB
Got an order headed my way.... I think I ordered 5 or so shells? I'm excited to get them now. These are my first HUGE shells to ever need to order.

And of course... I think I got a few other little treats and things too. HEHEHE

(Yes, I know... just placed several online orders so I really can't remember what I ordered from where. SIGH! :oops: )

My order arrived today!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:21 pm
by Guest
I am SO excited. My order arrived today. My boyfriend and I 'fought' over who got to open the package! I won, because I paid! The shells are beautiful, and fantastic! They are all excellent shells for hermit crabs! I am dying for someone to switch into them! I was also impressed at the size range and variety in the packs. Not a duplicate shell in them! Now I have a great range and selection of shells. They were packaged with care, too, and she included a free sample pack of sand dollar cookies, and care sheets. The Crabbage Patch is FANTASTIC. I 100% reccomend ordering for it!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:59 pm
by Guest
Less than 24 hours, and Harley is in a new Crabbage Patch Shell, and looks very cosy & content. 1 down, 3 to go!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:04 pm
by Guest
Hey H&H how much did you have to pay for shipping? I was looking today and a $15 order would cost $12 shipping! Were you able to get it sent a different (cheaper) way?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:19 pm
by Hermie Lover
I just had to add to this thread :D

I just placed an order from Crabbage Patch as well, and they had a LOT of goodies for the hermies! I also had to get one of those spoons from her :)

Can't wait to get the package, yall have me excited! Maybe I will get a goody or 2 as well!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:34 pm
by Guest
Shipping wasn't that bad - I think it was about $9 - but I had a large order (~$25). I didn't really think about other options. I really needed shells, so I was just realived to find such a good shop that shipped to Canada. Tammy & Kirk do a great job packaging, and they're stuff is fantastic. I don't mind paying a bit extra to support them. (Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you, it's midterm time)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:32 am
by Guest
I got my order very soon, and within 6 hours had a shell change to one of the new ones!! I'm a big fan of crabbage patch now!