Pictures of my crabitats (Successful Viola Breeding)

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Skymall007 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:16 am

Did you get more babies???? That is so exciting!!!!! How are the original ones? Have they grown lots? :crabbigsmile: I haven't been able to read the previous posts yet so I hope this is not the billionth time someone has asked
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Re: AW: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Curlz » Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:18 pm

The 13 Seen to still alive. They getting shier (shy) like the adults. So that I cannot see them often :(

I update my Picasa web album. The last ones are the newest.

The larvae project 5 and the latest one No. 6 failed.
We stopped experiment No 6 two days ago. All died. We do not know why. They only reached Zoea 3 .

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Kat » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:00 am

That saltwater pool is incredible. How do you get the water to stay in and not flood the substrate? I might wind up doing a tank mod... :)
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Curlz » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:16 am

thank you :)
the water is lower than the substrate. There are no waves, so no water gets out of the pool. Water is separated by plexiglas.
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Rocky » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:38 am

I check your album probably twice a week :oops: I cannot get over how impossibly tiny they are, they make moss look like giant ferns, grains of sand look like stones, half a blueberry looks like a plum.
But they've grown so much! And they're thickening up and developing, it's fascinating :D
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Skymall007 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:54 pm

I'm so sorry about the losses =( You are doing an incredible job though! You are really paving the way for captive breeding! I am so excited, and I feel so honored to be able to read about it first hand. I can't imagine the patience and time it takes, but many hermits shall thank you =)
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Curlz » Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:05 pm

a quick update: the link to my latest project. Larvae Experiment No 7 ... directlink
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by fraksocks » Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:50 pm

Those pics are so cool! Your tank set up for your adult crabs is just really cool BTW. No wonder they are so happy and giving you eggs so often!

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Curlz » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:02 pm

:) thank you very much :)
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by elefants » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:33 pm

ur crabitat is crazzzzzy amazzzzzin how much did it cost
its so amazzin im speachliss all i have to say is..... :luck::
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Priya » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:49 am

LOVE all the photos, Curlz!! Tanks and crabbies look absolutely awesome. They must be sooo happy! What I love the most about the tanks is that they are so nicely decorated. Very classy looking, most people have a ton of things in there. You've given me some good ideas about decorating mine.

My entire apartment is half the size of your living room. My living area barely has the room for 2 sofas, TV, the bookshelf, my rabbit cage and the 20g high I'm turning into a crabitat :hlol: I just imagined a 175g in here and almost died :lol:
4 Purple Pinchers: Kraken, Lilith, Gilgamesh, Marilith
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55g tank with about 10" playsand & EE substrate, fw bubbler pool, sw pool. Densely "planted" with cholla, cork barks and upper levels.

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Curlz » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:32 am

thank you :)

new pictures and video of the breedings available in my picasa webalbum ;)

@elefants: both glass terrariums (custom built) 400 € (= $ 530)
plus plexiglas tube, plus satlwater-pool equipment, plus sand, plus soil, plus decoration, plus plants, plus natural cork background ............. I will not know how much it all cost! ;)

It's my hobby so I do not really care :)

p.s. and I am already planning two bigger tanks ;)
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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Priya » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:05 am

Your tanks are such an inspiration to me! Currently I'm getting all the things together, hopefully I'll have it all set up in a few weeks (waiting for my shells to arrive) :D
4 Purple Pinchers: Kraken, Lilith, Gilgamesh, Marilith
1 Straw: Tiamat
55g tank with about 10" playsand & EE substrate, fw bubbler pool, sw pool. Densely "planted" with cholla, cork barks and upper levels.

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by HugsForHermits » Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:20 pm

Wow, I am so amazed at what you have created for your hermit crabs! Congratulations on the amazing progress you have made with your hatchlings! I will be following your progress! I love the wonderful home you have created for your hermit crabs!

Wow! :cheer:

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Re: Pictures of my crabitats and my land hermit crabs

Post by Reggie2269 » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:58 pm

Very impressive

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