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Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:46 am
by Curlz
:( that's bad. Sorry for that.

so it is illegal to send you one jar from Germany, isn't it?

Well, if you have a "running system" for hatching Artemia, there is no need for "Baby Brine Shrimp in jar". You can use decapsulated eggs (fish food) aswell, to feed them in between.

may you get in contact with directly? May they know something more.

(I contacted them via facebook)

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:52 am
by kuza
Ya I think I'll contact them, and I did order some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs as well to see how those work for the first few days as I learn how to do my own brine shrimp

For my brine shrimp hatchery, I just need a jar with moving water to grow them in, right? I don't need a fancy store bought brine shrimp hatchery?

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:38 am
by Curlz
oh, I am no "pro" in brine shrimp hatchery ;)

What I know is: it can be done in different ways. (Sorry I do not know if canadians are using the same units as americans)

easy way: a jar with round about 500 ml (= 16,91 fl oz) saltwater.
For saltwater you can use the expensive brine shrimps salt or the salt you are using for the saltwater of your "kreisel" jar. (marine salt for fishkeeping)
It says sea salt (for food) can be used too. But ... naaa... I prefer marine salt for fishkeeping.

when the water is ready, you can but in a touch of brine shrimp eggs.
After that the jar has to be heaten @ 26°C-28°C (= 78.8 °F - 82.4 °F)
And it should get light. Temperature is the most important point. Warmer = faster hatching. But do not come over 82,4°F

I put my plastic jars into the habitat. In my habitats I got 26°C (= 78.8 °F ) at day. And they are hatching after 20-24 h. Good brine shrimps liek INVE 430 hatching after 18 if all went fine.
No need for moving water. I put in some oxygen by using a dropper.

Another way:
a brine shrimp hatching station like this:
Google for "brine shrimp hatching" and click on "pictures"... you will see various options

Another way:
an expensive Brine shrimp incubator like this: ... uct_id=143

Another way:
a brine shrimp incubator set like this: ... id=1874662
(but the "Hobby" eggs are no good. )

but, with all options you have to thing about the points:
- not older than 4 hours freshley hatched nauplii needed
- (maybe) more than 2 feeding times a day
- need freshly hatched brine shrimp daily (so maybe some 'jars' or stations needed)

it is not clear how often hermit larvae are in need of food. Nor how long they can be without.
but without freshly hatched artemia marine animal breedings are not possible, or will have a higher chance to fail.

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:42 am
by kuza
this is great info, thanks again. I guess I may get a few hatching tanks going now. I think it's close to dropping time!

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:47 am
by hermilove
That's great, can't wait for pics of the little guys ;) !!

If you don't mind me asking what was the average temp and humidity in the tank? I've been wondering if an increase in temp and humidity in the summer months starts the "breeding season" and simulates summer for them. Although you have a fan and UVB, at least I think it was you :lol: , which would also help in keeping it more natural conditions

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:50 am
by kuza

I keep the heat between 80-85 for the most part and my humidity ranges from 75 to 90 depending on where in the tank I'm reading it. The fan I've had for a long time but the UVB is very new, they were breeding before I had the UVB light installed.

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:54 am
by hermilove
Ok! thanks for the info :) So just proper conditions...I wonder how they can tell it's summer since they are in a tank :?: Maybe the air pressure changes? I'm just curious since we keep the same conditions all year so I wonder how they can tell it's summer, or whenever breeding season is for them. Or could it be just some sort of internal clock?

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:56 am
by kuza
I think they notice the winter months being more grey and shady then when the summer starts and the sun is bright in the morning and then lingers much longer at night the internal clock let's them know.

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:05 am
by hermilove
Yeah that would make a lot of sense, because even with the artificial light they still get a little outside light :) Plus a lot of animals seem to have internal clocks of some sort.

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:17 am
by Rocky
Where they live, it stays sunny and warm with 12 hours of daylight year round :P I think it's just instinct

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:16 pm
by kuza
could be that too, I thought the sun still moved across the equator for some sort of seasonal change even if it's light summer, hard summer, light summer, hard summer again. I also believe my straws are matting more than just this time of year, I think it's just the first Time I noticed it.

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:59 am
by Curlz
hm ... my hermits starting laying eggs when I had installed my bigger saltwaterpool (19 liter). Mine got eggs serveral times a year.
And in my opinion this has nothing to do with light, with temperature nor humidity. (my temp, humidity and light cycle are always nearly the same. Varies on Winter and Summer)
And I am not sure about ther "light". They are still nocturnal animals.
Sunlight is necessary for all creatures, but not that much or nocturnal animals.

And in our german forum we noticed that they start to "produce" eggs when there is a high pressure area coming. And if there is a good option for hatching eggs, the chances grow higher.
Sometimes the high pressure area cannot be 'feeled' by humans. But the hermits can feelt it...

sure, the hermits must be old enough to reproduce. And there must be a hermit boy and hermit girl of the same species ;)

but that's only a theory of our german forum :)

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:24 pm
by kuza

ok now that I've calmed down, I'm not ready but I have them split into 2 jars with only half full of water in each but there's thousands of babies, thousands, I cauhgt her minutes after dropping them. I'l update later when I've got everything under control.

how soon do they need to eat? what can i feed them in the mean time while I wait for my supplies to get to me?

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:52 pm
by Careyenz
Good luck, Kuza!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: My Straw baby attempt thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:22 pm
by kuza
they look like they are trying to eat off the bottom of the jar, is there anything I could have around the house that they would eat?