I am not sure what to do! My crabs and their crabitat have been my pride and joy and most rewarding project. I have 3 small PP’s and 2 medium in a 20 gallon base tank with a 20 gallon topper. Initially, I had the three tiny ones in a 10 gallon, but when I learned I was obtaining two more medium, I upgraded my tank. In the old tank I had seen grain mites here and there but the population was always controlled. Now in this new set up, they are swarming!!! And it’s making my skin crawl! They are not only INFESTING the inside of the tank but I realized they are starting to crawl outside of it! I have temporarily sealed off the tank to prevent any more from coming out using scotch tape on the very slight crevasse openings near the front facing doors and am researching how to move forward. I have already done substrate changes. I am at a total loss. Please give any advice you can. How can I keep them at bay? What can I feed my crabs moving forward to discourage the grain mite population? Are there any grain mite traps you know of?
If they were just staying in the tank (and they weren’t such an infestation) it wouldn’t bother me so much as I know seeing them from time to time is a natural part of hermit crab ownership and they help eat food/waste to balance the internal ecosystem of the crabitat but I am not okay with the fact they are also swarming outside of the tank (which is located inside of my bedroom). I am completely disgusted. Can you please help?
Please see photo for reference (I have a lower amount of substrate than normal because I keep scooping the top layer off but I can’t remove it completely because I believe one of my crabs is molting).
How can I fix this with one crab under substrate molting? Please help! I love my hermit crabs and want to be their forever mom as I know they cannot be released back to the wild once captured and I don’t trust anyone else to provide them with the care they need but these mites are driving me insane!!

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