Fleas! What do I do?

For the discussion of any creepy crawlies that may have taken up residence in your tank, including mites. Please note that isopods have their own forum.
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Fleas! What do I do?

Post by Hermiecaptain » Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:39 am

Hello friends! My indoor cat recently has been laying on my Hermie Enclosure and normally this doesn’t bother me or the hermies, but he has been infected by fleas by our indoor outdoor dog and I have treated the dog and cat both for fleas but I have discovered that the fleas are now in my crabitat. How can I get rid of them? Should I soak everything in hot water and change out the sand and coconut wall? Any suggestions at all would help! Thank you!!!

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Re: Fleas! What do I do?

Post by I<3mycrabbies » Tue Aug 06, 2024 3:56 pm

If your crabs aren't molting I would completely take out everything and dump the sand.

Make sure that you have an extra tank setup for them for a couple days with everything they need.

But I would deep clean the wood, deep clean the coconut wall (if you cant just throw it out), and throw out the substrate and take the tank outside and rinse it with a hose. Also rinse off any fake plants and deep clean any other hides that you have.

I hope this helps and good luck!

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Re: Fleas! What do I do?

Post by curlysister » Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:11 pm

Fleas won't harm your crabs. And they will only live a maximum of about 2 weeks off of dogs or cats. So I wouldn't do anything other than wait for them to die.

Are you certain that they are fleas? And not one of the other bugs that are common in crab tanks (and are almost all also not going to harm your crabs)? Can you post a photo?
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers

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