Just saw a bug again and idk what it was?!
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:29 pm
Okay...so I hate bugs. I totally skeeve them and run for the hills...I know I know but I can’t help it!
First time I saw a bug it was on my dead crab that my son won at a school fair and lasted less than a week. Redid the crabitat, went from 10g to a 20L and just now I saw what I think was a fruit fly and it flew out once I opened the top. I haven’t seen any others and fruit flies are an issue in the past for us so I guess that’s what it had to be but idk tbh. Even looking at photos of bugs freaks me out. I know I know....
Anyways, I guess the real question is....is it completely inevitable to have bugs in the tank? Can you own crabbies without having bug issues? If so, what types of precautions do I take? How often do I clean or deep clean without upsetting my babies?! I’m totally freaked out, so please forgive me for the insane description of yucky bugs lol I can’t help the way I feel about them things! Any advice or answers would be awesome! Thanks y’all!
First time I saw a bug it was on my dead crab that my son won at a school fair and lasted less than a week. Redid the crabitat, went from 10g to a 20L and just now I saw what I think was a fruit fly and it flew out once I opened the top. I haven’t seen any others and fruit flies are an issue in the past for us so I guess that’s what it had to be but idk tbh. Even looking at photos of bugs freaks me out. I know I know....
Anyways, I guess the real question is....is it completely inevitable to have bugs in the tank? Can you own crabbies without having bug issues? If so, what types of precautions do I take? How often do I clean or deep clean without upsetting my babies?! I’m totally freaked out, so please forgive me for the insane description of yucky bugs lol I can’t help the way I feel about them things! Any advice or answers would be awesome! Thanks y’all!