Does saltwater baths kill mites instantly?
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Does saltwater baths kill mites instantly?
I thought i remember reading that somewhere. I gave my 10 crabs individual baths last night 5 times over to make sure if there were mites they would be rinsed away. Only spotted one mite on one crab but i freaked out because i never thought that would happen in my tank. I have them all in i.s.o till i can go get more subtrate today. [smilie=anon.gif]-me feeling like a bad mom.
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I'm not sure if it does anything
I'm not sure if it does anything to the mites themselves but it makes the crabs wounds feel better. Mine all head for the salt water when they hurt. I remember Winston with his little clipped leg tip went right for the water as soon as I put him in the tank. Cesar soaked in the water too when his tip was clipped (you know, I think Tank is a very bad girl. She's the meany who clips leg tips...If only she had a rearend to spank.)
Hermit crab LOVER since March 2003.
If my advice doesn't help, please PM me right away. Thanks!
If my advice doesn't help, please PM me right away. Thanks!
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