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Isopods or salt?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:38 pm
by Sage_Exotics
Hey all, I’m planning a big crabitat build, 90 gallons, 10” of substrate, drainage, waterfall, reptile fogger, back wall is all climbing structures, lots of hides, all that good stuff. In my crab’s current 15 gallon (I’ve got three young crabs) I soak the substrate in saltwater to prevent mould and bacteria, and it’s worked like a charm so far. For their big crabitat, I’m not sure if I should continue with salt or try isopods, I’ve never used isopods but I have other tanks I could put them in if I decide I don’t want them, and it’s easier to soak the subsrtate after getting rid of isopods then changing all of the substrate so I can add isopods. It makes sense that I would give isopods a go, but I’m not sure. Does anyone here know what works best?

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:03 am
by p2gg86
Rather deciding on salt or isopods. I would just do both for the heaven sake of our beloved crabs. What could be better? combination protection or a single protection! Though it'll be extra work on keeping the isopods but imo, I would go for the best options.

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Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:59 am
by ciaraalston
Your 90 gallon sounds like it's going to be great!
I would do both, soak the substrate with salt and add isopods, but that's me.

Also, is there a reason you're only adding 10 inches of substrate? just wondering.

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:21 am
by GotButterflies
ciaraalston wrote:Your 90 gallon sounds like it's going to be great!
I would do both, soak the substrate with salt and add isopods, but that's me.

Also, is there a reason you're only adding 10 inches of substrate? just wondering.
Agreed. :)

Welcome to the HCA..btw! :)

Also, just a reminder - you don't want to soak the substrate, you just want to moisten it. Also - if you use a humidifier - you want to use dechlorinated fw - not msw. Is that why you are asking this question? The water would evaporate, but the salt would not, leading to a build up of salt. Also, you have to be careful with humidifiers - they can lead to floooding.

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:39 am
by Sage_Exotics
I didn’t think the isopods could live with the salt. I leg the substrate dry up a bit before putting it in the tank, so it’s not water logged. I’m aiming for 10” if sub because the tank is 18” tall, and with the drainage layer and everything it wouldn’t leave much space for climbing and the waterfall, but I can make it deeper in some parts than in others. Also I’m well aware they need dechlorinated water. So isopods and salt it is! Thanks y’all!

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:58 am
by Motörcrab
I recently received Isopods from Got Butterflies several weeks ago for my new 75 gallon tank. When I mixed my substrate I used salt water instead of fresh. So far all of the Isopods are doing well after being in the for about 3 weeks. They are active and have seen a lot of babies already! I also added additional pieces of oak and birch bark for additional hiding places and add oak and maple leaves on top of the substrate. I believe I read someplace on here that some species of Isopods do better than others with salt water substrate.

With switching to salt mixed substrate the only thing I have noticed is that if you plant seeds they will not sprout. Fresh foods will still mold in the dishes in a day or so but bits that get drug into the substrate appear to hold out the funk a little longer. That could also be due to the Isopods as well.

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:32 pm
by Sage_Exotics
Thanks all so much!

Re: Isopods or salt?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:40 pm
by GotButterflies
All of my isopods do fine with the msw moistened substrate. Some species might be sensitive though. Good luck. :)