Upgrading Crabitat W/Pictures : )

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Upgrading Crabitat W/Pictures : )

Post by SNAX » Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:30 am

Hello! I just created a new account because I've lost the password and no longer have email access to my old one xambackwards.

Anyways, I've had my crab for roughly 3.5 years now. I have a 10 gallon tank, 5-6" coco fiber substrate deep pools for salt and freshwater with easy access in and out, a 60 watt daytime heat lamp, plenty of logs and things to hide in and climb like vines and stuff and my current crab loves it.

I am definitely in need of another crab so my current one doesn't get lonely ( We used to have two crabs but the other one passed away very early :( )
I have just gotten my hands on a 24x12x12 tank that seems to be a good amount larger (16 gallons?) I feel like this would be good enough for another crab. I just recently completely re did my whole crabitat a couple of days ago so I would just be moving the substrate into the new tank, adding more and moving everything else over to the new tank. My crab seems to love his current crabitat, however I just had a few questions regarding getting another crab and switching to a larger crabitat :

Should I wait a bit before switching the tanks so my crab can get used to his current crabitat and isn't too stressed out?

Currently my temps are always around 80 and humidity fluctuates between 75-90 with me spraying a lot 3-5 times daily, how can I carry this over to the new crabitat? Should I get a heat pad and if so what size / brand for a 16 gallon tank? How can I prevent the larger tank from drying out?

The new tank doesn't have a lid as it was given to me from my grandpa ( it was my dad's when he was a kid :lol: ) how can I create / buy a lid? I was thinking of just using a metal mesh and covering partially with a plastic mat which is pretty much what I am doing with my current tank.

When getting another crab, I know it is best to adopt. I live in Waterloo Ontario and I have been checking kijiji but it seems nobody has any in need of re homing nearby. I understand buying from pet stores is unethical however I would really like a buddy for my current crab. ( especially since I am upgrading the tank. ) what can I do in this situation?

I noticed when I moved my crab into his new crabitat he climbed onto the lid (wire mesh) and would climb along the top alot. Does this mean anything? He hasn't done it in awhile.

When I end up getting another crab, should I just put him in the tank? Should I set up my 10 gallon with some hiding spots and some substrate so he can de-stress alone? Any tips for introducing new crabs?

Thank You so much for any help!
Stay Safe, And I hope I posted this in the right sub lol






I posted in two subs because I wasn't sure of which one to post in :)

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Re: Upgrading Crabitat W/Pictures : )

Post by crabs_lex » Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:23 am

i usually put a new crab in a small iso tank for two weeks to a month to let them molt and change shells or to just get used to the environment then i’ll put them in the regular tank

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