This is the place to post if you have questions and aren't sure where to ask them! If it relates to one of the sections below, please post there instead.
Can a PP have the orange/yellow tipped feelers? My tiny Boo has a light color, orange fuzzier feelers and eyes too hidden and small to tell their shape (she's in a 3/4" petholatus tapestry turbo that's too big)
I'm really not sure enough to think I somehow managed to get an exotic by accident so thought I'd ask!
The feelers I'm curious about have bent stalks at the end, not the feeder or long wavy ones.
I don't believe PPs can have orange antenna/feelers but I will just check a couple of mine. Mine don't have orange antenna/feelers but the end is a but orangey but its more of a light brown sort of
One of mine have bright orange feelers at the ends. just depends on the crab. If you look close enough crab antennae can vary in colour crab to crab.
However, the best way to tell a species is by other characteristics like their eyes. So if you think it's not a pp you should post some pics and maybe we could help you out.