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How many crabs?
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:44 am
by Emm33333
How many crabs do you guys think can live in a Exo Terra Low medium 24x18x12? I'm aware of the modifications I will have to make to it. I've seen it person and I think probably 7... but I want other crabbers opinion. I'm really hoping to have five crabs (three more than I have right now)
Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:44 am
by daws409
If 12 is the depth, I personally wouldn't add that many crabs. 24x18x12 is a 22.4 gal tank. I think 5 would be the max you can have and that may even be cramped. Remember you have to take in account growing room... 6 inches is bare minimum for sub and it should be 3 times your largest crab. When adding more crabs, I think more sub is needed to prevent cannibalism. Adding more sub can take from their play space. Keep in mind that sub does settle over time and that the crabs can do a mass molt (all go down at one time).
* I have 12 inches of sub in my tank.
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Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:46 am
by Emm33333
Thanks again!! 12" is the highs of the tank. All my crabs and the ones that I plan on getting are quite small, small enough to put on my three fingers, pointer, middle and ring. But my hands are quite small as I'm 11. Of course I would not hold them like that
Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:24 am
by kieagcarm
I wouldn't get any more than 5 total and you will still need to get a bigger tank fairly soon even with small 5 crabs
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Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:16 am
by aussieJJDude
If this is going to be their *permanent and last crabitat* I would limit myself to 4... or just the three you have. The less crabs you have, the more growing room they have. 5 crabs in a 20g (ish) tank IMO is overstocked, as soon as they hit mediums/large you're going to need to upgrade, tennis ball sized crabs aren't going to be happy in that sized tank. Remember, the tank is already low as it is, 6 inches of substrate - which most of the time, is the bare minimum - is only going to leave 6 inches above ground to play on... And medium.large crabs aren't going to have the opportunity to do so.
(I would potentially look at making this a topper on a 40g breeder for example, so you have increased space to play on and the 40g can be used for substrate...)
Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:29 am
by Emm33333
Thanks for your guys responses. I'll probably just stick with 3 or 4
Re: How many crabs?
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:14 pm
by Emm33333
Please go see my other post venting for an update