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Heat/humidity issues
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:50 am
by Lizs2587
Hello! I am new here and I have tried searching for the answers to my questions but I am at a loss. I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 small hermies. Originally one was given to my daughter for her 4th birthday and I had NO CLUE they were so delicate. Since researching I have been doing my best at stabilizing their crabitat. Originally had an issue with heat so I got an uth for 10-20 gal aquariums and it did not bring the temp up, like at all. I recently got a heat lamp with a nighttime 25w red bulb and a daytime uvb bulb. They're in the same fixture so I just take the daytime bulb out at night. This has helped with the heat which now stays about 78. But when I turn on the humidifier which is right next to the tank, due to the humidity staying consistently low when off, the temp then drops to like 70! But.. the humidity goes up. I can't seem to win with these little guys. I need help!
Re: Heat/humidity issues
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:16 am
by Motörcrab
Hello and welcome. I'm thinking your heat pad is too small if you purchased a ZooMeds that is labeled for a 10-20 gallon. They are labeled for reptiles use not hermit crabs. Reptiles only need a small area to lay that is warm and move to regulate their temperature. Hermit crabs need the entire air warm so you need to have the heat pad on the rear glass, not on the bottom. A heat mat should cover almost the entire back to get the correct temperature. A roughly 11x17 heat mat is about perfect for a 10 gallon. I think ZooMeds that size are for 55 gallon tanks and up. If it gets too hot you can purchase a thermostat to control it from getting too warm.
With your humidity do you have you substrate mixed with either dechlorinated fresh or salt water? It should be damp but not soaked, perfect for building sand castles is how you want it. A glass top will also help too.
"Edit" 10 gallon tanks are know to be a lot tougher to control the heat and humidity due to their small size.
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Re: Heat/humidity issues
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:24 pm
by Lizs2587
Okay that makes sense! Yes the one I have is zoomed. I just assumed it was for anything living in a tank that size! It was driving me crazy because I already have a thermostat and it never reached the temp it needed to shut off (80°). The substrate is mostly eco earth, which a small section mixed with sand. It was moistened to what I believe is that consistancy with half dechlorinated and half salt water. I need to get a glass top, I have a screen top with plastic wrap over 3/4 of it. Thank you for your help!
Re: Heat/humidity issues
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:02 pm
by Sillymel
You can also cover the entire screen top with the plastic wrap. I used to have a 10 gallon with a screen and only had a portion of it covered. I too was having trouble with the humidity and someone recommended that I cover the entire thing. It worked. You can also mist the tank with the dechlorinated water to help with moisture.
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Re: Heat/humidity issues
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 8:10 am
by Lizs2587
I had the whole top covered until I got the heat lamp. Once I get the bigger heating mat, i won't need the light anymore!