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Molting crab

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:24 am
by Lizs2587
Hello! I have a crab that has been under (all the way on the bottom- I can see him through the bottom) for a little over a month. I didn't time when he went down exactly but I know it has been a little over a month. I have since changed their tank to a 20 gallon long and left him in the 10g. He was pretty small when he went down. Only about an inch-1.5 inches. I have checked on him a couple times and he flinches a little when I look at him through the bottom of the tank. Do you think he is okay? Is it normal for him to be down this long? I'd love for him to get to his new crab paradise I have set up! ImageImage

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Re: Molting crab

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:36 am
by JoeHermits
Yes, he’s fine.

Hermit crabs will stay underground for months on end. Try to be patient, he’ll come out when he’s ready.

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Re: Molting crab

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:54 am
by Lizs2587
Okay great! I wasn't sure it I messed him up or anything when I switched the tank over. I had gotten really close before i looked under the tank and found him!

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