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A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:32 pm
by BlazeTheWeirdo
So I recently tried to get footage of Dwebble changing shells, but I accidentally noticed something else. Apparently she seems to have a tiny hole or dent on her back. I've never seen her come out of her shell this much before so I didn't see anything until now. I haven't fed them any shrimp (other than dried) so I'm not sure if it's shell disease. I hope it's not. Does anyone know what this is? Can I do anything about it? Or do I have to wait for her to molt again?

I just want to make sure she's okay.

Re: A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:49 pm
by Cococrabgirl!
Are you talking about this spot?Image

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Re: A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:35 pm
by BlazeTheWeirdo
Cococrabgirl! wrote:Are you talking about this spot?Image

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I'm talking about this spot. Image

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Re: A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:39 pm
by Cococrabgirl!
BlazeTheWeirdo wrote: I'm talking about this spot. Image

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Okay. I personally think it looks like a wound that has heal. But I could be wrong. The funny part is we both have crabs with holes. Image

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Re: A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:18 pm
by wodesorel
Yeah, it's healed over.

So this is a really common injury in hermits, and I've never found out why. I have had dozens over the years with this exact wound in various stages of healing. I think it's from fighting with other crabs - it's where another crabs legs would dig in to get a solid hold to deshell. It's been the only explanation that makes sense.

However, I read something once years ago about it possibly being a type of parasitic worm that preys on the gill tissue. I don't think that is as likely, as any parasite would just need to crawl under the gill plate on the side.

Re: A hole in my hermit crab's back?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:19 pm
by BlazeTheWeirdo
wodesorel wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:18 pm
Yeah, it's healed over.

So this is a really common injury in hermits, and I've never found out why. I have had dozens over the years with this exact wound in various stages of healing. I think it's from fighting with other crabs - it's where another crabs legs would dig in to get a solid hold to deshell. It's been the only explanation that makes sense.

However, I read something once years ago about it possibly being a type of parasitic worm that preys on the gill tissue. I don't think that is as likely, as any parasite would just need to crawl under the gill plate on the side.
I hope you're right. I'm leaning towards it being an old injury, because she seems healthy all over. Her behavior hasn't been affected and she enjoys the other crabs company, so I don't think they fought her (They're too small anyway). The crabs she cannibalized at the pet store back in August were even smaller. Either she really got into it with another crab at a supplier... or maybe there's something to those "shell crushing" videos. >.> The ones where they use a vice to crack open their old shells to get them to go in a painted/"prettier" shell.